Tuesday, December 8, 2009

In the Class Room 12-06-09

Great to have Jolene almost completely recovered from seemingly ongoing health problems. Glad she now feels well enough to be back in class. We missed you guys while you were away. Stay well for the holidays!

Jim’s results during his hospital stay week before last revealed that no surgery was needed. The blockage percentages were small enough to be treated with meds.


If you like ‘different’, you’ll love this party! No holly or mistletoe! No reindeer or Santa! No jingle bells or poinsettias! No candy canes or fruit cakes! (But there will be chocolate!)
You don’t want to miss this party!

Robert and Nell will host our annual Christmas class party at Shane’s restaurant, Bossier City on East Texas (Highway 80). The banquet room has been reserved for us. There will be a varied menu, a choice of fish or brisket and side dishes, $7.00/per person. Good fellowship, good food, good fun!

Sunday, Dec. 13, 3 PM and 6:30 PM a Christmas concert, Gloria, featuring Mac Powell of Third Day will be conducted at FBB. Pick up free tickets at the church office.

Friday, Dec. 18, 6 PM Tim Hawkins, a family night of Christmas comedy held at the church.

Thursday, Dec. 24, 6 PM Birthday Party for Jesus, a Christmas Eve service for the whole family at FBB.

Saturday, Dec. 26 Boxing Day – Details to be announced.

Thursday, Dec. 31, the Lord’s Supper will be available at 6 PM. This is a come and go service.

We completed Chapter 22 of II Samuel Sunday, verses 21-51. This chapter is a parallel with Psalm 18, which was written by David as a song of praise to his God. We have learned that David realized that only by calling upon his Lord could he receive the help he needed and that when David actually called upon the Lord, guess what, God heard his voice! The Lord’s response to David’s distress was anger that His child was being confronted with troubles and sorrows. We learned a startling truth, at times God does indeed becomes angry! Verse 20 tells us that the Lord delighted in David. In verses 21-28, David tells why the Lord delighted in him, and Robert shared that in reading that passage, he thought David a bit pious and boastful. David declared himself righteous and clean, though we know he had committed atrocious sins. Robert reminded us that once we become a child of God and receive His righteousness, it becomes a possession and is ours forever more, Psalm 24:5. It is the devil that attempts to make us forget that we are cleansed by the power of His blood. God no longer sees our flaws, but sees us as cleansed from all sin. He does not demand perfection, he knows we are weak; he just requires repentance and obedience. So when struggles ensue and we call upon Him for help, He is there to see us through our time of trouble. A good discussion of God’s grace followed and was summed up with this statement: ‘Grace is designed to not make struggles disappear, but to help us get through it.’ He is always there; He will never leave us. We are not promised that we will never experience trouble, only that His grace is sufficient. Deliverance will come!

Chapter 22 is a song of praise. He died and then rose again that we might be free! Read
Verse 47 and rejoice!
“The Lord liveth, and blessed be my rock;
and exalted be the God of the rock of my salvation!”

Robert is trying to finish the study of David by the end of the year. Since much of the information given in Chapter 23 has been previously discussed, he is going to skip to
Chapter 24 for next Sunday’s study. Read that chapter and be ready to share your insights and thoughts on this passage of Scripture as we study and learn God’s Word together.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
2 Samuel, Chapter 24

Diane – tests on knees Wed.
Jean – Jim’s sister; moving to BC for surgery & finding a home.
Leo – Donna’s co-worker; reaction to antibiotic.
Shelley – Amanda’s friend; unspoken.
Amanda – unspoken.
Rudolph – 85 year old who feels hopeless & needs salvation.
Justin – Charlie/Jolene’s son; pray he gets good job he is interviewing for.
Susan – James’ sister; diabetic; found passed out at home and was hospitalized.

If you would like to receive the weekly news letter, let us know by sending us an email at finlyssc@gmail.com


Robert’s book, The Holy Spirit: Our Helper is now available on Amazon.com and at Christian Life Books at 8026 Jewella Ave. If you would like a copy, you can save taxes/S&H by obtaining a copy from us. The publisher has priced the book at $12.99.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

In the Class Room 11-22-09


We continued studying Chapter 22 of II Samuel Sunday, beginning with verse 15. This chapter is a parallel with Psalm 18, which was written by David as a song of praise to his God. So far we have learned that David realized that only by calling upon his Lord could he receive the help he needed, verse 4. When David actually called upon the Lord, guess what, God heard his voice! (verse 7). The following nine verses tell of the Lord’s response to David’s distress.. God was angry that His child was being confronted with troubles and sorrows. We learned a startling truth, at times God does indeed becomes angry!

When He became angry at David’s distress, it seemed as everyone knew it! The earth shook and trembled, smoke came out of His nostrils and fire came out of His mouth, He bent the heavens and came to earth, He walked on the dark clouds and rode on the wings of an angel with darkness surrounding Him. What an attention getting entrance on the scene!

Previously, we learned some of the things that make God angry:
1) Wickedness: Psalm 7:11
2) His enemies: Psalm 21:8-9
3) When His children are hurt: Nahum 1:2-3
4) Ungodliness: Romans 1:18
5) Unbelief: Psalm 78:21-22, Hebrews 3:18-19, and John 3:36
6) Idolatry: Psalm 78:58-59
To learn the answer to appease God’s anger, turn to Romans 5:9. Jesus is the answer! When God became offended (angry) by sin and man’s disobedience to Him, He justified his anger by sending His Son, Jesus, to pay our sin debt. Again, look at John 3:36; anyone who believes on the Son shall have everlasting life. Also read I Thessalonians 5:9.

Continuing into the chapter, we find that God administered solace to David, and rescued him from the everyday problems of life. The ‘why’ He did this is the good part! Verse 20 tells us that He delighted in David. Our lesson’s theme and objective today was to discover what delights the God Almighty. To learn this, we were referred to the following Scriptures:
1) Obedience and showing Him honor: I Samuel 15:22
2) Honesty: Proverbs 11:1
3) Sincerity and living upright: Proverbs 11:20
4) Truthfulness and keeping promises: Proverbs 12:22
5) A prayer life and living a righteous life: Proverbs 15:8
6) Loving kindness and righteousness: Jeremiah 9:24. This verse also tells us to glory in
knowing Him.
It was interesting to note that each time the Word first names something that is an abomination to the Lord, then follows it with something that delights Him.

Since God heard David’s distress, responded in an earth shattering manner, and rescued him, I think it is safe to conclude that David practiced the things that delighted the Lord. Perhaps, that is why he was a man after God’s own heart. Perhaps, if we practice this kind of life, He will find delight in us and answer us in time of distress! Just a thought!

Be with us Sunday as we continue our study of Chapter 22 of II Samuel, beginning with verse 21, discussing why the Lord rewards His children. Be ready to share your insights and thoughts on this passage of Scripture as we study and learn God’s Word together.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
2 Samuel, Chapter 22


Wednesday, Dec. 2, 6 PM is Family Light Night at the church. Lights are needed to light up the church courtyard and campus for Christmas. A certain kind of light is requested; so check a bulletin or call the church office for description. They can be purchased at Home Depot, Michael’s, and Hobby Lobby; Ellis Pottery has sold out. Activities on family light night will include kids, students, and seniors and will be held outside. Bring the family and help light up the campus, enjoy the activities and refreshments.

Friday, Dec. 11, 7 PM Robert and I will host our annual Christmas class party at Shane’s restaurant, Bossier City on East Texas (Highway 80). The banquet room has been reserved for us. There will be a varied menu, a choice of several meats and side dishes. Good fellowship, good fun, games, and prizes! Sounds like us, so plan to be there.

Sunday, Dec. 13, 3 PM and 6:30 PM a Christmas concert, Gloria, featuring Mac Powell of Third Day will be conducted at FBB.

Friday, Dec. 18, 6 PM Tim Hawkins, a family night of Christmas comedy held at the church.

Thursday, Dec. 24, 6 PM Birthday Party for Jesus, a Christmas Eve service for the whole family at FBB.

Saturday, Dec. 26 Boxing Day – Details to be announced.

Thursday, Dec. 31, the Lord’s Supper will be available at 6 PM. This is a come and go service.

Carla – friend of Gertie; recovery after back surgery
Paul & Cosmo Sullivan – Roger’s granddaughter & husband; new job and relocating

If you would like to receive the weekly news letter, let us know by sending us an email at finlyssc@gmail.com

Robert’s book, The Holy Spirit: Our Helper is now available on Amazon.com and at Christian Life Books at 8026 Jewella Ave. If you would like a copy, you can save taxes/S&H by obtaining a copy from us. The publisher has priced the book at $12.99.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

In the Class Room 11-15-09

Sunday worship service or class Bible study was not as planned. Dr. Fred gave us the ‘wonderful’ news that Bro. Jerry Ables was healed, because he now has a new body and is in the presence of our Lord. Dr. Fred felt his planned message was not appropriate and instead delivered a powerful message on what death is for the Christian and for the unbeliever. He told us how Jerry had continued to the end to ask all who came into his presence “Did they know that when they died they would go to heaven?” Dr. Fred stated that he knew nothing would please Jerry more that his death resulting in someone coming to know Christ. We know of Jerry’s passion for the lost as well as the hurting. He was active in the Celebrate Recovery program since its inception at FBB and dreamed of establishing a Celebrate Recovery halfway house in our city. In lieu of flowers, the family is asking that contributions be made toward a memorial fund to help make that dream come true.

Needless to say, we are all saddened by his death, but happy that he is now pain free. Jerry’s daughter, Amy, posted this on her facebook wall yesterday: “Soon you will read in the newspaper that I am dead. Don’t believe it for a moment, I will be more alive than ever before.” D. L. Moody. She followed with these words: My dad finished his battle with cancer earlier this morning. Cancer lost.. Dad is cancer-free, pain-free, and is in the presence of the Savior he served. We miss him already, but…“you must not carry on over him like people who have nothing to look forward to, as if the grave were the last word. Since Jesus died and brook loose from the grave, God will most certainly bring back to life those who died in Jesus….. She finished with I Thessalonians 4:14-18, The Message translation.

Visitation: Tuesday, Nov. 17, 4 PM – 8 PM at FBB Worship Center
Service: Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2 PM at FBB Worship Center

In class, we continued with a discussion on being prepared for death and reaching out to family members, friends, or any one who crosses our path to learn if he/she is prepared to meet the Lord.

Gale was back in class Sunday after a hospital stay and gave thanks for healing. His blood platelets are normal and he is back to work.

The Shaws and Debbie joined Robert, Amanda, and me at El Chico’s for an evening meal Sunday. El Chico’s had agreed to donate 10% of the ticket of all who ate there from 5-10PM on behalf of the Hub Ministry, if over 100 people did so. When we finished our meal and left around 7 PM, over 240 had eaten representing the organization! The Hub ministry was started by Cassie Hammett, greeting people at the bus station with bottled water, snacks, and Biblical tracks. The ministry has grown into a weekly meeting of feeding and clothing the homeless and the needy. All cash, food, and clothing contributions are appreciated and can be donated through our class. So clean out your closet and bring your ‘do away with’ clothes Sunday.

Monday, November 23, is the last day to get your Christmas shoeboxes to the church to be shipped. So, finish packing your box and bring it to church Sunday.

Also, bring your cans of corn if you volunteered to help FBB serve a Thanksgiving meal for the Celebrate Recovery group. We needed four volunteers and you were: Diane, Donna, Eva Lee, and Nell. Bring your corn to class and I will get it ready to serve and take it to the church Monday evening, Nov. 23.


Wednesday, Dec. 2, 6 PM is Family Light Night at the church. Lights are needed to light up the church courtyard and campus for Christmas. A certain kind of light is requested; so check a bulletin or call the church office for description. They can be purchased at Home Depot, Michael’s, and Hobby Lobby; Ellis Pottery has sold out. Activities on family light night will include kids, students, and seniors and will be held outside. Bring the family and help light up the campus, enjoy the activities and refreshments.

Friday, Dec. 11, 7 PM Robert and I will host our annual Christmas class party at Shane’s restaurant, Bossier City on East Texas (Highway 80). The banquet room has been reserved for us. There will be a varied menu, a choice of several meats and side dishes. Good fellowship, good fun, games, and prizes! Sounds like us, so plan to be there.

Sunday, Dec. 13, 3 PM and 6:30 PM a Christmas concert, Gloria, featuring Mac Powell of Third Day will conducted at FBB.

Friday, Dec. 18, 6 PM Tim Hawkins, a family night of Christmas comedy held at the church.

Thursday, Dec. 24, 6 PM Birthday Party for Jesus, a Christmas Eve service for the whole family at FBB.

Saturday, Dec. 26 Boxing Day – Details to be announced.

Thursday, Dec. 31, the Lord’s Supper will be available at 6 PM. This is a come and go service.

Ables family; death of Bro. Jerry
Jean White – Jim’s sister – surgery needed for mass on ovary; trying to relocate to BC
Jim – heart cath Thursday
Family of Eva Lee’s brother-in-law; passed away last week
Gregory Lee – Veronica’s brother; nursing clinical tests Mon.; 2nd attempt

We will continue studying Chapter 22 of II Samuel Sunday, beginning with verse 15. This chapter is a parallel with Psalm 18, which was written by David as a song of praise to his God. So far we have learned that David realized that only by calling upon his Lord could he receive the help he needed, verse 4. When David actually called upon the Lord, guess what, God heard his voice! (verse 7). The following nine verses tell of the Lord’s response to David’s distress. God was angry that His child was being confronted with troubles and sorrows. A startling truth, at times God becomes angry? Is it okay to become angry?

God was not just miffed, he was angry. The earth shook and trembled, smoke came out of His nostrils and fire came out of His mouth, He bent the heavens and came to earth, He walked on the dark clouds and rode on the wings of an angel with darkness surrounding Him. What an attention getting entrance on the scene!

Robert backed the fact that God does indeed experience anger, and things that make Him angry, with the following Scriptures:

1) Wickedness: Psalm 7:11
2) His enemies: Psalm 21:8-9
3) When His children are hurt: Nahum 1:2-3
4) Ungodliness: Romans 1:18
5) Unbelief: Psalm 78:21-22, Hebrews 3:18-19, and John 3:36
6) Idolatry: Psalm 78:58-59

To learn the answer to appease God’s anger, turn to Romans 5:9. Jesus is the answer! When God became offended (angry) by sin and man’s disobedience to Him, He justified his anger by sending His Son, Jesus, to pay our sin debt. Again, look at John 3:36; anyone who believes on the Son shall have everlasting life. Also read I Thessalonians 5:9.

Be with us Sunday as we continue our study of Chapter 22 of II Samuel, beginning with verse 15, learning how He administered solace to David, rescued David from the everyday problems of life, and why (this is the good part!) He did so. Hint: Verse 20. Be ready to share your insights and thoughts on this passage of Scripture as we study and learn God’s Word together.
Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 22

If you would like to receive the weekly news letter, let us know by sending us an email at finlyssc@gmail.com

Robert’s book, The Holy Spirit: Our Helper is now available on Amazon.com and at Christian Life Books at 8026 Jewella Ave. If you would like a copy, you can save taxes/S&H by obtaining a copy from us. The publisher has priced the book at $12.99.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In the Class Room 11-08-09

It should come as no surprise to anyone that we did not finish Chapter 22 of II Samuel Sunday. After all, this chapter has 51verses and we have only been studying it two Sundays! We started with verse 5 and went through verse 14. This chapter is a parallel with Psalm 18, which was written by David as a song of praise to his God. Last Sunday, we learned that David realized that only by calling upon his Lord could he receive the help he needed, verse 4. This week we find David actually called upon the Lord and guess what, God heard his voice! (verse 7). The following nine verses tell of the Lord’s response to David’s distress. God was angry that His child was being confronted with troubles and sorrows. A startling truth, at times God becomes angry? Is it okay to become angry?

God was not just miffed, he was angry. The earth shook and trembled, smoke came out of His nostrils and fire came out of His mouth, He bent the heavens and came to earth, He walked on the dark clouds and rode on the wings of an angel with darkness surrounding Him. What an attention getting entrance on the scene!

Before going further, Robert backed the fact that God does indeed experience anger, and things that make Him angry, with the following Scriptures:
1) Wickedness: Psalm 7:11
2) His enemies: Psalm 21:8-9
3) When His children are hurt: Nahum 1:2-3
4) Ungodliness: Romans 1:18
5) Unbelief: Psalm 78:21-22, Hebrews 3:18-19, and John 3:36
6) Idolatry: Psalm 78:58-59
To learn the answer to appease God’s anger, Robert asked us to turn to Romans 5:9. Jesus is the answer! When God became offended (angry) by sin and man’s disobedience to Him, He justified his anger by sending His Son, Jesus, to pay our sin debt. Again, look at John 3:36; anyone who believes on the Son shall have everlasting life. Also read I Thessalonians 5:9.

Be with us Sunday as we continue to study Chapter 22 of II Samuel, beginning with verse 15, learning how He administered solace to David, rescued David from the everyday problems of life, and why (this is the good part!) He did so. Hint: Verse 20. Be ready to share your insights and thoughts on this passage of Scripture as we study and learn God’s Word together.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 22

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Saturday, Nov. 14, 7 PM Michael W. Smith will be in concert at FBB. Visit firstbossier.com for ticket information.

Wednesday, Dec. 2, 6 PM is Family Light Night at the church. Lights are needed to light up the church courtyard and campus for Christmas. A certain kind of light is requested; so check a bulletin or call the church office for description. They can be purchased at Home Depot, Michael’s, and Hobby Lobby; Ellis Pottery has sold out. Activities on family light night will include kids, students, and seniors and will be held outside. Bring the family and help light up the campus, enjoy the activities and refreshments.

Friday, Dec.. 11, 7 PM Robert and I will host our annual Christmas class party at Shane’s restaurant, Bossier City on East Texas (Highway 80). The banquet room has been reserved for us. There will be a varied menu, a choice of several meats and side dishes. Good fellowship, good fun, games, and prizes! Sounds like us, so plan to be there.

Sunday, Dec. 13, 3 PM and 6:30 PM a Christmas concert, Gloria, featuring Mac Powell of Third Day will conducted at FBB.

Friday, Dec. 18, 6 PM Tim Hawkins, a family night of Christmas comedy held at the church.

Thursday, Dec. 24, 6 PM Birthday Party for Jesus, a Christmas Eve service for the whole family at FBB.

Saturday, Dec. 26 Boxing Day – Details to be announced.

Thursday, Dec. 31, the Lord’s Supper will be available at 6 PM. This is a come and go service.

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Adam Edmonds – 5 yr. old grandson of Roger’s friend; rehab after reattachment of severed arm
James Campbell – leg infection after artery graft for heart surgery; oxygen treatments daily
Gale – hospitalized, WK Bossier; blood platelets low (released Mon. from WK)
Thelma Owens – Donna’s co-worker’s mother; mammogram abnormal cells; cancer previously
Glass family members
Nell - unspoken
<>< ><>

If you would like to receive the weekly news letter, let us know by sending us an email at finlyssc@gmail.com

Robert’s book, The Holy Spirit: Our Helper is now available on Amazon.com and at Christian Life Books at 8026 Jewella Ave. If you would like a copy, you can save taxes/S&H by obtaining a copy from us. The publisher has priced the book at $12.99.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

In the Class Room 11-01-09

What a fitting day for a study on praise! After the turbulent week of too much rain, high winds, and tornadoes, we are so blessed that no lives have been lost. Though some of us have received property damage, none of us are homeless and we have jobs to provide an income to meet our needs. And the sun is shining and will do so all week!

We began our study Sunday with Chapter 22 in II Samuel and made it through the first four verses. In our study book this chapter is discussed on pages 87-88, Day 4, ‘A Great Celebration’ of ‘Back Where He Belonged’. In this passage David is reflecting on the victorious battles God has brought him through and the many times he was delivered from the hands of Saul. An old song David had sung many years before comes to mind and is recorded in this chapter. David acknowledges without God, no victory would have been won. Many times David’s strength was exhausted, and the conflicts with his enemies seemed endless; he had no choice but to rely on the Lord.

In times of trouble and conflict, it is reassuring to remember that we still have reason to give praise! He is our rock when we are slipping; He is our fortress when we are crumbling; He is our deliverer when we are trapped; He is our shield when we are exposed; He is our salvation from death; He is our Savior when we are ‘drowning’; and He is our refuge when we are pursued, verses 2-3. Look at verse 4 and note that David makes this a personal song of praise. I will call on the Lord. Reread this paragraph and change the word ‘our’ to ‘my’ and the word ‘we’ to ‘I’. He is a personal God, to you, to me, to everyone. He is all this and so much more! He is worthy to be praised!! When life spins out of control, He is my Lord!

This hymn of praise is also recorded in Chapter 18 of Psalms, the book that records many songs David wrote. The two sets of verses are almost identical, but one exception should be noted. The first verse of Psalm 18 reads, ‘I will love thee, O Lord…. David first tells his Lord that he loves Him. No demands. No despair. Just I love you. His love for us (me) is so great, so enduring, so unconditional, how could we (I) not love him in return. May we (I) never forget to tell Him of our (my) love for Him. Worth repeating, He is worthy to be praised!

Be with us Sunday as we continue to look at David’s song of praise recorded in Chapter 22 of
II Samuel, beginning with verse 5. Be ready to share your insights and thoughts on this passage of Scripture as we study and learn God’s Word together.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 22

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The bad weather Thursday hit several of Bossier Parish neighborhoods hard and three of our class members have damage to their homes. Ron and Kay received roof damage and the master bedroom cannot be used at this time. All walls and ceiling will have to be replaced in the kitchen. They lost all the trees in their back yard and the fence will have to be replaced. A neighbor’s roof landed in their back yard. They also lost trees in the front.

Jim and Diane had a tree blown onto their roof, but no major damage done.

Leonard and Donna had roof damage from the previous week’s high winds and rain. As far as we know, everyone else was safe, had no property damage, and have no threat of flooding.

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Lights are needed to light up the church courtyard and campus for Christmas. A certain kind of lights are requested. They can be purchased at Ellis Pottery. Tell the clerk they are for FBB and a discount will be given and they can point you in the direction of the red boxed lights!

Nov. 14, Saturday, Michael Smith concert at the church. Tickets available at LifeWay in Shreveport and online.

Many things are coming up in December, the Christmas program, a family night event, birthday party for Jesus on Christmas Eve to name a few. Will keep you posted.

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Jean White – Jim Shaw’s sister; relocating to Bossier; safe travel & needs to find a home
Lester Nichols – Joel and Brenda’s Dad; abdominal health problems
Mindy & Cole Pasquier – Donna’s daughter/grandson; awaiting test results of a genetic disease
cell discovered in Cole’s tumor; test to reveal if there are cells to cause future problems

<>< ><>

If you would like to receive the weekly news letter, let us know by sending us an email at finlyssc@gmail.com

Robert’s book, The Holy Spirit: Our Helper is now available on Amazon.com and at Christian Life Books at 8026 Jewella Ave. If you would like a copy, you can save taxes/S&H by obtaining a copy from us. The publisher has priced the book at $12.99.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

In the Class Room 10-25-09

We began our study Sunday with verse 15 of Chapter 21 in II Samuel and completed the chapter. These verses were covered in our study book in Day 3, ‘An Old Enemy’ of ‘Back Where He Belonged’, on pages 86-87. We find recorded in these verses the account of four battles that the Israelites engaged in with their old enemy, the Philistines. David accompanied his warriors in these battles and in verse 15, we are told that David grew faint or exhausted. The original word for exhausted in Hebrew means ‘to cover, to fly, faint, flee away’, literally a desire to run and hide. A Philistine giant, with six fingers and six toes, born to the tribe of giants in Gath and sporting a new sword, was about to close in on David and take his life. Remember, Goliath, whom David slew was also of Gath. Practical application here to take note of: Many times, after a battle is won with our old enemy, Satan, he will come at us again with a new weapon, attempting to once again take us down.

Abishai overcame the giant and slew him. David’s men did not want King David, referred to as ‘the light of Israel’ to go to battle any more for fear that he would be killed. However, David accompanied his warriors in all four battles recorded in this chapter and God brought David to victory in each. Our discussion revealed that there is no shame in getting weary; heroes get tired also. At times God allows us to become exhausted to force us to receive help, in which there is also no shame. Shame comes in refusing to accept help or victory through another when God supplies a hero. Practical application here: Use all resources, the Word, Christian friends who have walked there before, prayer, etc. available to win the battle with our enemy.

Be with us Sunday as we continue the study of David’s life, beginning with Chapter 22 of II Samuel and on page 87, Day Four, A Great Celebration in the Master Work book. Be ready to share your insights and thoughts on this passage of Scripture as we study and learn God’s Word together.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 22

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Leonard’s surgery – Robert talked with Leonard and his cataract surgery went well; he will have a follow up visit with his doctor this week and expects no complications.

Reported Sunday: Ken and Chad, Jim and Diane’s sons both sold homes that had been on the market for a while! Encouragement for Finleys and Williams, who also have homes on the market for sale. Remind us, Lord, all in your timing!

Donald “Bubba” Howard, Robert’s friend who has lung cancer and been on our prayer list for a while, received a very good report last week. A PET scan revealed he is responding to treatment very well. The two large masses had shrunk considerably and all the small spots that were developing in his lungs and on his ribs had disappeared completely.. He will receive two more chemo treatments and be evaluated again.

Adam Edmonds – 5 yr. old grandson of Roger’s friend; for successful recovery of
reattachment of left arm after being severed below elbow from tree fall; no pulse in wrist
James Campbell – leg infection following heart surgery artery graft
Roy Leshe – Sherwin Williams Bastrop store manager (late 20’s); stroke
Mindy & Cole Pasquier – Donna’s daughter/grandson; returning to St. Jude’s for tests; a cell
discovered of a genetic disease of Cole’s tumor removed months ago; tests will reveal if
there are more cells that could cause future problems; early detection key to prevention

<>< ><>

If you would like to receive the weekly news letter, let us know by sending us an email at finlyssc@gmail.com

Robert’s book, The Holy Spirit: Our Helper is now available on Amazon.com and at Christian Life Books at 8026 Jewella Ave. If you would like a copy, you can save taxes/S&H by obtaining a copy from us. The publisher has priced the book at $12.99.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

In the Class Room 10-18-09

Our study Sunday covered II Samuel, Chapter 21, Verses 3-14. In the Master Work book our study began at the bottom of page 85 and continued to page 86, ‘Back Where He Belonged’, Day Two (Unfinished Business). Last week, in verses 1 and 2, we learned a famine had fallen on Israel that lasted for three years. When David had inquired of God why the famine?, he learned it was because a vow made years earlier not to make war with the Gibeonites had been broken by King Saul. God was now holding the entire nation of Israel to this old vow. God meant for Israel to keep their agreement, even though they never should have entered into the agreement. David went to the Gibeonites to ask what restitution could be made. The Gibeonites made their request: seven descendents of Saul were to be put to death. This may seem rather harsh, but some Biblical scholars believe the seven men chosen and executed had directly or indirectly participated in the massacre of the Gibeonites. David met the demands requested, the men were hanged, and the bodies left unburied to signify their execution was an act of judgment. This image of unburied bones stirred deep emotion within David. He remembered the exposed bodies of Saul and his dear friend Jonathan after their death. Their remains were not where they should be. David went himself to retrieve the bones of Saul and Jonathan, brought them back and buried them in the tomb of Saul’s father. David also buried the bones of the seven who were executed as recompense for Israel’s failure to keep her promise. When this was done, rain fell, and the famine ended. The coming of the rain showed the famine was over, justice was satisfied, and Israel was delivered.

Lesson to be learned: God expects nations, as well as individuals, to keep promises. If broken, consequences will be paid and restitution must be made. Obedience is necessary for spiritual famine to end and the rains (healing) to be poured out. Obedience has amazing effects: “After that, God answered prayer in behalf of the land.”

Be with us Sunday as we continue the study of Chapter 21, beginning with verse 15 and on page 86, Day Three, An Old Enemy in the Master Work book. Be ready to share your insights and thoughts on this passage of Scripture as we study and learn God’s Word together.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 21

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A strong appeal was made Sunday for everyone to bring items for the Great Give Away! (See details below for items wanted.) Approximately 1,000 families have been invited to participate in the give away. Each family will be issued five tokens to buy items. This means that 5,000 items are needed and the number is far from reached! So pretend it is spring and do your spring cleaning! Go through your house and eliminate items you no longer want, need, or use (new or gently used) or make a trip to Walmart and donate to this Loving Loud opportunity!

Each Sunday School class has been assigned a booth for the ‘Give Away Sale’. The Outdoors Equipment booth is our designated booth. Volunteers were solicited to man our booth. Times are from Sunday, 2 – 4 PM and 4 – 6 PM. If you volunteered for either of these times, you will need to be present at the booth 15 minutes prior to designated time.

Robert’s book, The Holy Spirit: Our Helper is now available on Amazon.com and at Christian Life Books at 8026 Jewella Ave. If you would like a copy, you can save taxes/S&H by obtaining a copy from us. The publisher has priced the book at $12.99.


FBB is sponsoring a Great Giveaway and needs our help. The flier reads: “We have all the stuff we need to make this giveaway a success and it is all at your house!!” This is a free rummage sale for area residents in need. Church members are asked to donate new or gently used items in 15 categories, ranging from sporting goods to Christmas decorations. NO CLOTHING OR SHOES. Categories and rules for donations are given below:


  1. House wares
  2. Kitchen equipment
  3. Small appliances
  4. Linens
  5. Furniture
  6. Sporting goods
  7. Christmas decorations
  8. Seasonal decorations
  9. Home Décor
  10. Outdoors equipment
  11. Bibles, book, and school supplies
  12. Personal care items
  13. Tools
  14. Toys and children’s items
  15. Televisions and electronics

Donations can be dropped off:
Wednesday October 14 & 21 – 5PM-8PM
Saturday October 17 & 24 – 10AM-4PM
Sunday October 18 & 25 – 9AM-1PM

Rules for Donations:
Items will be received ONLY during designated donation times at the pods in front of
Faith Chapel.

  1. Items must be in good working order.
  2. Items should be new or gently used.
  3. Personal care items must be unopened.
  4. Donated items are to be clean.
  5. We will NOT accept ANY clothing or shoes.

Each Sunday School class has been assigned a booth for the ‘Give Away Sale’. The Outdoors Equipment booth is our designated booth. Volunteers were solicited Sunday to man our booth. Times are from 2 – 4 PM and 4 – 6 PM. If you volunteered for either of these times, you will need to be present at the booth 15 minutes prior to designated time. Your phone number was submitted, along with your name, so I am assuming you will be contacted if more info is needed. We will most likely have more info in our packet Sunday.

Prior to the Great Giveaway event, neighborhoods are to be canvassed and door hangers hung. Teams of 2 or 3 will be assigned various streets. Volunteers are needed from every class. After the event, visits will be made to present the gospel message to the homes where door hangers were previously hung. Make this a matter of prayer and give serious thought to helping reach families in our area. More info later: dates and hours, etc.

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Pretty good, but not as good as last Sunday. Several were out of town and of course, we have several who are on the premises, but serving in various places. Welcome back, Katie! Glad we didn’t lose you permanently!


Talked to Jolene Monday night and she is recovering well, even spending a few hours a day at the office. Shhhh! I don’t think her doctor knows this. That Jolene, independent gal! According to Robert, it takes one to know one. Wonder what he means by that?! We look forward to having Jolene and Charlie back in class soon.

If you would like to receive the weekly news letter, let us know by sending us an email at finlyssc@gmail.com

Sunday, October 11, 2009

In the Class Room 10-11-09

Robert began our study with II Samuel, Chapter 21, the bottom of page 85, ‘Back Where He Belonged’, Day Two (Unfinished Business) in the Master Work book and NO!, He DID NOT COMPLETE THE CHAPTER! We did cover verses 1 and 2. We learned that after David had returned to his rightful position as king of Israel, a famine fell upon Israel that lasted for three years. Speculatively, the first year, as well as the second year, David was not too concerned about the famine; maybe because the storehouses were full. But apparently, after the year of no crops, David began to have concern. He went to God in prayer to inquire why Israel was in a famine. The answer was possibly surprising, for the Lord said, “It is because of the sin of Saul.” Surprising because this was in the latter days of David’s forty year reign and possibly the wrong doings of King Saul had been long forgotten. The sin that God brought to David’s attention was the killing of the Gibeonites. Israel has sworn not to war against the Gibeonites in a treaty made years earlier. Saul, in his nationalistic zeal, had broken that promise. Now the entire nation of Israel was paying the consequences. There are several lessons and applications to be learned from these two verses:

  1. When in trouble or in a ‘famine’, whether it be spiritual, emotional, mental, etc., go to the source that has the answer: Our Almighty God.
  2. God expects us, as well as nations, to honor promises/treaties forever, once made.
  3. Remember that consequences of our wrong doing may be passed to generations to come, our children and grandchildren. Others than ourselves may suffer because of our sin
  4. Though a period of time has passed without consequences, don’t be so foolish to think that the sin is forgotten and no consequence will be paid.

Be with us Sunday as we continue the study of Chapter 21, beginning with verse 3 to learn how David made restitution for the sin committed many years earlier by King Saul. Be ready to share your insights and thoughts on this passage of Scripture as we study and learn God’s Word together.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 21

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FBB is sponsoring a Great Giveaway and needs our help. The flier reads: “We have all the stuff we need to make this giveaway a success and it is all at your house!!” This is a free rummage sale for area residents in need. Church members are asked to donate new or gently used items in 15 categories, ranging from sporting goods to Christmas decorations. NO CLOTHING OR SHOES. Categories and rules for donations are given below:


  1. House wares
  2. Kitchen equipment
  3. Small appliances
  4. Linens
  5. Furniture
  6. Sporting goods
  7. Christmas decorations
  8. Seasonal decorations
  9. Home Décor
  10. Outdoors equipment
  11. Bibles, book, and school supplies
  12. Personal care items
  13. Tools
  14. Toys and children’s items
  15. Televisions and electronics

Donations can be dropped off:
Wednesday October 14 & 21 – 5PM-8PM
Saturday October 17 & 24 – 10AM-4PM
Sunday October 18 & 25 – 9AM-1PM

Rules for Donations:
Items will be received ONLY during designated donation times at the pods in front of
Faith Chapel.

  1. Items must be in good working order.
  2. Items should be new or gently used.
  3. Personal care items must be unopened.
  4. Donated items are to be clean.
  5. We will NOT accept ANY clothing or shoes.

Each Sunday School class has been assigned a booth for the ‘Give Away Sale’. The Outdoors Equipment booth is our designated booth. Volunteers were solicited Sunday to man our booth. Times are from 2 – 4 PM and 4 – 6 PM. If you volunteered for either of these times, you will need to be present at the booth 15 minutes prior to designated time. Your phone number was submitted, along with your name, so I am assuming you will be contacted if more info is needed. We will most likely have more info in our packet Sunday.

Prior to the Great Giveaway event, neighborhoods are to be canvassed and door hangers hung. Teams of 2 or 3 will be assigned various streets. Volunteers are needed from every class. After the event, visits will be made to present the gospel message to the homes where door hangers were previously hung. Make this a matter of prayer and give serious thought to helping reach families in our area. More info later: dates and hours, etc.

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We had great attendance Sunday; wonderful to see an almost room full! We welcomed two visitors: Becky, Joel and Brenda’s sister and Katherine, a friend of Diane’s. Amanda, Robert’s daughter is still with us, but she’s family, not really a visitor. Those missed were the O’Herns (involved in blood drive event), Glass’ (not sure), Cocherells,(Jolene recovering), Greens (Simple Church), and Bennetts (not sure). I am looking forward to that Sunday when we have to bring in extra chairs!!

Johnny was back in class after his trip to Baton Rouge and we all saw adorable pictures of baby Gabriel Nicholas! From the pics, I think Grandpa is already in the process of spoiling the precious bundle! That’s what grandparents get to do and it’s soooo much fun!

I brought to the class’s attention the abundant talent we have in our class! Kay is an accomplished artist and has sold a painting; Johnny is a master craftsman; we have several wonderful cooks (PTL!), male and female; I forgot to mention our computer whiz/genius/geek, forgive me, Jeff; and we now have a published author. Robert’s book, The Holy Spirit: Our Helper is now available on Amazon.com and at Christian Life Books at 8026 Jewella Ave. If you would like a copy, you can save taxes/S&H by obtaining a copy from us. The publisher set the price at $12.99.

If you would like to receive the weekly news letter, let us know by sending us an email at finlyssc@gmail.com

Sunday, October 4, 2009

In the Class Room 10-04-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.

2 Samuel 20

This week Robert quickly went through chapter 20 and discussed the restoration of Israel.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 21

Sunday, September 27, 2009

In the Class Room 09-27-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.

2 Samuel 19

V9-10 David’s followers were pleading the case for their king and questioning why the fellow Israelites, who followed Absalom, were quite about returning David to the thrown in Jerusalem.

V11-14 David sent the priests to talk to the leaders of Judah about restoring David to the throne.

V15 David returned the way he left.

V18-21 Shimei asks for forgiveness. (True repentance is shown by actions not just words.)

V22 David was secure in his position. When a person finds their security in Christ then they will be in a position to forgive also.

V32 Brazillai was 80 years old when he made himself available to David.

V41-43 Total restoration has not been achieved.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 20

Sunday, September 20, 2009

In the Class Room 09-20-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.

2 Samuel 18

V19-26: Two runners. The last outran the first.

V27: The runner Ahimaaz was identified by the way he ran.
(Is our Christian walk in such a way that people can recognize us as Christians?)

V28-30: Ahimaaz tells David that he has won the war. When David inquires about Absalom, Ahimaaz sidesteps the question.

V31-32: Cushite, the first runner who was outran by Ahimaaz, arrived and told David that Absalom is dead.

V33: David mourns for his son, Absalom.

Chapter 19

V1-4: David’s mourning turned the peoples rejoicing into mourning. David stole their victory from them.

V5-7: Joab tells David that he is shamming the people because he is weeping over their enemy and that he needs to “straighten up” and go talk to the people before they leave him.

V8: David stood up and became a leader again.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 19

Monday, September 14, 2009

In the Class Room 09-13-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.

2 Samuel 18

V1-2 David divides his army into thirds. (Absalom has numbers but David has skill)
David wants to go into battle with his army.
V3-4 The people want David to stay. David stays behind but tells his men not to harm his son, Absalom.
V6-8 The army of Absalom was defeated by the army of David.
V9-17 A rebellious king is killed by a rebellious servant.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 18

Sunday, September 6, 2009

In the Class Room 09-06-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.

2 Samuel 16

V1-4 Ziba is deceptive and takes advantage of David.(See 2 Samuel 19:24-30)
Lessons we can learn:
Do not make quick decisions.
Get Godly council.
Ask God for wisdom through prayer.

V5-9 Shimei is resentful of David.

V10-13 David is trusting in the Lord.

V14 No matter how dark our days are, we need to strengthen ourselves in God.
1 Samuel 30:6
Psalm 119:66, 67
Ephesians 4:32

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 18

Sunday, August 30, 2009

In the Class Room 08-30-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.

2 Samuel 15
V25 through 37

David learned humility in this time of crisis.

Without Christ we have nothing (John 15:5).
With Christ we have everything (Philippians 4:13).

Isaiah 66:1, 2
Proverbs 22:4
Micah 6:8
Matthew 11:29
Philippians 2:8

V30 David has a submissive and humble heart.
V31 David asks God for deliverance.

Salvation belongs to the Lord (Psalm 3)

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 16

Sunday, August 2, 2009

In the Sanctuary 08-02-09

Pastor Lowery continued his “Love Loud” sermon serious.

The sermon delivered was from Galatians 5:22, 23.
The message was on “Self Control”.

Christianity is a discipline - Self control.
2 Peter 2:19
Proverbs 25:28

God wants us to have boundaries. Jesus is the example of self control.

Through the Holt Spirit we can have self control. The key to self control is Spirit control. Galatians 5:16

Galatians 5:19-22 tells us what happens without the control of the Holy Spirit.

To watch Click here then click on the "This Past Sunday" Icon in the top right.

In the Class Room 08-02-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.
2 Samuel 15

Absalom is trying to impress the people of the city. He is positioning himself to take the throne.

V2-6: Absalom acts like a politician.
Absalom is a man of action and a schemer.

V7-9: Absalom is using religion to get the king to allow him to go to Hebron.

V10-12: Absalom is starting his takeover of the throne.
Verse 12 says “the conspiracy grew strong”. Even David’s counselor, Ahithophel, went to Absalom.

Just because the crowd is saying it is right doesn’t make it right.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 15

Sunday, July 26, 2009

In the Sanctuary 07-26-09

Guest speaker Charles Lowery delivered today’s message from the book of Job.

God has given Satan permission to rule the earth.
In Chapter 23 Job questions God.
In Chapter 38 God Questions Job.
In Chapter 42 Job repents and is restored.


To watch Click here then click on the "This Past Sunday" Icon in the top right.

In the Class Room 07-26-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.

2 Samuel 14

V23-28 For two years after David sent for Absalom they never saw each other. It has been a total of five years including the three years that Absalom fled to Geshur after killing Amnon.

V25, 26 Indicates that Absalom was not a humble person.

V33 – Absalom pays his respects out of duty not relationship.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 15

Sunday, July 12, 2009

In the Sanctuary 07-12-09

Guest speaker Kenny Dean delivered today’s message.
Kenny asked the question, what is it all about?

A Christian’s purpose is to tell others about Jesus.
Matthew 28:16-20
Acts 1:6-10

Kenny answered his question with the following card.

To watch Click here then click on the "This Past Sunday" Icon in the top right.

In the Class Room 07-12-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.
2 Samuel 14

Chapter 14 is similar to the Prodigal son in Luke.

V1-4, Joab devises a plan to take advantage of David’s compassion toward the widowed.

V4-7, the words of Joab said through the woman.

V8, David wants to research the matter.

V9-10, the woman pressed David to make a decision now.

V11-17, the woman wanted David to remember the mercy that God had shown him.

V18-19, David figures out that Joab is behind the woman’s actions.
Note: In making a decision, we pray and wait. Sometimes action is required. Joab took action.

V23-24, Absalom returns home, but David will not see him.
Note: For Reconciliation, someone has to take the first step.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 14

Sunday, July 5, 2009

In the Sanctuary 07-05-09

Brother Kenny delivered today’s message on freedom that Jesus gives.

Freedom is not in religion.
Galatians 5:1

John 11
V43 – Lazarus was alive but was not free. He was still in bondage, wrapped by the bandages.
Only Jesus can set you free.

To watch Click here then click on the "This Past Sunday" Icon in the top right.

In the Class Room 07-05-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.
2 Samuel 13

V15-18, Worldly example of the consequences of lust. Once the chase is over, lust will turn into hate.

V19, Outward grief is good.

V20, Absalom did not give wise council in having Tamar suppress her grief.

V21, David was angry but did not take action. No punishment was given. No council was given.
Bitterness will grow into malice – Ephesians 4:31-32

V22-29, Absalom plotted Annon’s demise.

V30-31, David accepted with mourning not disbelief that Absalom killed all of his sons.
(Note: David is not surprised that Absalom could do this.)

Conclusion; David was a good king but not a good parent. We as parents need to be active in the lives of our children and grandchildren.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 14

Sunday, June 28, 2009

In the Sanctuary 06-28-09

Special Guest speakers Brad & Kasey Ewing.

Brad led the music service and his wife Kasey told their tragic story of losing their son in an auto accident.

To watch Click here then click on the "This Past Sunday" Icon in the top right.

In the Class Room 06-28-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.
2 Samuel 13

V5 We should always seek Godly council not worldly council in order to do what we want.

V15 Sin is never fulfilling.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 13

Sunday, June 7, 2009

In the Sanctuary 06-07-09

Pastor Lowery continued his “Love Loud” sermon serious.

The sermon delivered was from Galatians 5:22 The message was on “Gentleness”.

Gentleness is the absence of resentment.

A gentle person puts the entire problem in Gods hand.

Gentleness is the opposite of self centeredness.

Gentleness starts with your relationship with God.

Characteristics of gentleness are:
1. Gentleness is not common.
2. Gentleness is the opposite of weakness.
3. Gentleness is not self produced.
4. A gentle person counts their blessings not their bruises.
5. A gentle person is humble not prideful.
6. A gentle person is an inspirer not a nagger.
7. A gentle person is flexible not ridged.
8. A gentle person is a forgiver not spiteful.
9. A gentle person is positive not negative.
10. A gentle person is compassionate.
11. A gentle person is a servant.
12. A gentle person is understanding not demanding.

To watch Click here then click on the "This Past Sunday" Icon in the top right.

In the Class Room 06-07-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.
2 Samuel 12:7-14

Nathan personalized sin in David’s life.
When Christians break Gods commandment, (willful deliberate disobedience) it is as if we despise the word of God (v9-10).

Sin has consequences. God forgives sin but there are still consequences.
Galatians 6:7, 8 – God is not mocked.

David repents (I have sinned against the Lord). David took responsibility for his sin.
Read Psalm 51.

Notes from Chuck Swindoll
True repentance is:
1. An open unguarded remission of sin.
2. A desire to make a complete break of sin.
3. When the spirit is broken and Humble.
4. When one claims God’s forgiveness and reinstatement.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 12

Sunday, May 31, 2009

In the Sanctuary 05-31-09

Brother Ky delivered a message
from Hebrews chapter 11.
The sermon title was
“How to relate to an unseen God”

How do we relate to God who we cannot see but He sees us?

1. Fear the Lord. (Proverbs 9:10; Isaiah 33:6; 2 Corinthians 5:11)
2. Get into His Word. (Psalm 119:89; Psalm 138:2
3. Faith (Hebrews 11:6). Without faith we cannot please God.

Faith bridges the gap between God and man.
Faith makes us realize that we can’t control our lives.
Faith is how we please God (Hebrews 11:6)
Faith is how we are justified* (1 Timothy 1:8; Romans 3:28; Galatians 2:16)

*Justified = Guilty law breaker made innocent.

To watch Click here then click on the "This Past Sunday" Icon in the top right.

In the Class Room 05-31-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.
2 Samuel 12:1-6

Because Nathan was so in tune with God, he didn’t just go to David and tell him he was a sinner, but with love, he showed David his sin through a story.

Nathan went as a friend not a judge.
Nathan didn’t judge David, David judged himself. (Proverbs 27:6)

Restoration of a brother who is in sin should be done only in love. (Galatians 6:1)
This can only be done through getting to know them, becoming their friend.

How should a Christian approach a brother in sin.
Pray – You should be sensitive to God and what God wants you to do.
Absolute truth – Know the whole story. Find the truth. Do not rely on hearsay.
Private – Never confront a brother in public.
Wise Wording – Choose your words carefully. (Proverbs 25:11-12)
Courage – that God is sending you.
Go in God’s love for Restoration not Condemnation.

Bloggers addition:
Study the Word.
Correct with scripture only.

2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

2 Timothy 3:15-16 (NKJV)
15 All Scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
16 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 12

Sunday, May 24, 2009

In the Class Room 05-24-09

In the absence of a teacher no class was held.
Brother Johnny led us in prayer and dismissed the class.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 12

In the Sanctuary 05-24-09

Pastor Lowery continued his “Love Loud” sermon serious.

The sermon delivered was from Galatians 5:22
The message was a continuation of last week’s sermon on “Faithfulness”

Are we faithful to God?

The lack of faithfulness is the root cause for most wrong things we do.
Matthew 23:23

Is the church unfaithful today?
Proverbs 25:14

#1 problem in a parent child relationship is resentment. Resentment comes from broken promises (not faithful).
Proverbs 20:25
Ecclesiastes 5:5

Faithfulness encourages.
Unfaithfulness discourages.

Colossians 3:23 – Be faithful to your employer.

To watch Click here then click on the "This Past Sunday" Icon in the top right.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

In the Sanctuary 05-17-09

Pastor Lowery continued his “Love Loud” sermon serious.

The sermon delivered was from Galatians 5:22

Message title “Faithfulness”

Humans are always unfaithful. God is always faithful.
Psalm 33:4 and 89:1

When we praise God it makes the joy complete.

A faithful person is one you can rely on regardless of the situation.


  • Salvation –Jesus was faithful to the cross. John 4:34

  • Security – Your salvation is not on based on your faithfulness to God, but on God’s faithfulness to you. 2 Timothy 2:13, 1 John 1:9

  • Storms – God will deliver us from the storm or through the storm. Daniel 3:17-18, 1 Thessalonians 3:3

  • Snares – If we are not faithful to God, we will fall into Satan’s trap. Matthew 6:13, 1 Corinthians 10:13.God will always provide a way out of temptations.God will not place more on you than you can handle.

  • Second coming (Acts 1:9-11) When Jesus comes back will He tell you “well done thou good and faithful servant”?
To watch Click here then click on the "This Past Sunday" Icon in the top right.

In the Class Room 05-17-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.
2 Samuel

Chapter 11:27 and Chapter 12:1

What was David doing during the time between Chapter 11 verse 27 and chapter 12 verse 1? He was going through a season of guilt. Psalm 32:3

2 types of guilt.
False guilt – comes from judgment of man.
True guilt or conviction – Brings us to God.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 12

Sunday, May 10, 2009

In the Sanctuary 05-10-09

Brother Kenny delivered a wonderful Mothers Day sermon from
1st Kings 3:23-28.

A mother’s love is a deep love.
V26 – The mothers love consumed her. (A preparing love and a protecting love.)

A mother’s love is a sacrificial love. Mothers will go without so the child can have.

A mother’s love is a dependant love.

A mother’s care is evident in a mother’s prayer.

There is a love that is stronger than a mother’s love.
Gods Love.

To watch Click here then click on the "This Past Sunday" Icon in the top right.

In the Class Room 05-10-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.
2 Samuel Chapter 11

V4-5 – Sin starts off pleasant and inviting for a season, but it ends in pain, destruction and death. (Hebrews 11:25 Proverbs 9:17-18)

A fall doesn’t just happen.
(James 1:14-15)

V6 – One sin will produce other sins.
V24 – Not only did Uriah die but other soldiers died also because of David trying to hide his sin.
V27 – David’s sin displeased the Lord.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 12

Sunday, May 3, 2009

In the Sanctuary 05-03-09

Because of the low congregation turnout, Pastor Lowery choose not to deliver the sermon prepared for today. Instead, he did some wonderful expository preaching from the first chapter of Revelation.

Revelation 1:1-7

V4 – Grace of God: Any good thing in us comes from God’s grace. Peace of God: No matter what happens, God is in control.Who is and who was and who is to come: Praise to the Trinity.

V5 – It’s all about Jesus and His Love for us. Nothing but the Blood of Jesus can save you.

V6 – We are here to serve.

V7 – Jesus is coming back.

In the Class Room 05-03-09

Because of the small class size due to inclement weather, Brother Robert postponed this week’s study of David. Instead Brother Robert answered questions relating to the Bible.

The following was the main question asked which later spring boarded into several other questions.

Q: Where are “Angles of light” mentioned in the Bible?
A: 2 Corinthians 11:13-15; Fallen Angels can transform themselves as Christ followers to mislead and deceive people (false light).

Luke 24:4 & John 1:4; refers to the “True Light”.

John 4:1-3; tells us not to believe every spirit, but to test the spirits, to see if they are of God.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 11

Sunday, April 26, 2009

FSSC - 2009 Relay For Life

If you would like a DVD of this video or any of the photos taken, contact me at:


In the Sanctuary 04-26-09

Pastor Lowery continued his “Love Loud” sermon serious.

The sermon delivered was the continuation of last week’s message of “Goodness” referenced from Galatians 5:22

Message title “The Good Life”

Goodness is - honorable behavior accompanied by encouraging words and generous deeds.
Being good is impossible without supernatural help.
2 Corinthians 5:21
Philippians 2:12
Ephesians 2:8-10
James 2:14
James 1:27
Galatians 6:10

Be Like Jesus

Acts 10:38
Matthew 5:16

Be good.

Do good.
Stay good.

In the Class Room 04-26-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.
2 Samuel Chapter 11

V1 – David lost direction.
David should have been at the battle. He lost focus of his responsibility.
As Christians we are “to be about our masters business.” We are to encourage people and share the Gospel.

David became comfortable and lost focus. When Christians become comfortable and lose focus, the easier it is to fall into sin.
1 Corinthians 10:12 says to be on guard.

Two things to be on guard about:
1 – Busyness: If we don’t have time for God we will lose focus.
2 – Boredom: Allows things into your life that should not be there.

V2 – David forgot God.
At the moment of his temptation his thoughts were not of God but on his own desires.
Psalm 106: 6-13 (verse 13, they forgot God’s works.)

Lessons to Learn
David left himself unaccountable. (We need accountability)
David should have followed Josephs example and ran away.
(Run from sexual sin) 1 Corinthians 6:18

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 11

Sunday, April 19, 2009

In the Sanctuary 04-19-09

Pastor Lowery continued his “Love Loud” sermon serious.

The sermon delivered was on “Goodness” referenced from Galatians 5:22

God is the source of all goodness.

Reference verses:
1 Peter 5:8
2 Corinthians 5:21
Ephesians 2:8-10
James 3:11-13
Proverbs 15:12
Galatians 6:10

To watch Click here then click on the "This Past Sunday" Icon in the top right.

In the Class Room 04-19-09

Brother Robert taught out of 2 Samuel Chapter 10

V1, 2 – David shows compassion.
We should have compassion for our enemy’s
(Ref - 1 Peter3:8, Proverbs 24:17, 18)

V3 – Kindness in the world produces suspicious minds. Don’t let that stop you from being kind. Overcome evil with good.

V4 – Kindness may be rejected. Make sure your acts of kindness are for God. We are to do what God commands us to do, no matter if we are offended or not.

V5 – David protected the dignity of men that were ashamed. David did not exploit the situation for his benefit. Neither should we.

V12 – The battle belongs to God. We trust God regardless of the outcome.
(Ref – Acts 9:4. Jesus takes it personal when children of God are being persecuted.)

V15 – The wicked run in packs. The wicked will gang up on the Godly.

V19 – The enemy surrenders.
(Ref – Revelation 20:10. God wins)

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 11

Sunday, April 12, 2009

In the Sanctuary 04-12-09

Pastor Lowery delivered a “Love Loud” Easter sermon.

To watch Click here then click on the "This Past Sunday" Icon in the top right.

In the Class Room 04-12-09

No class was held.

Enjoy the following video from
CJ Mahaney titled
The Cup of Christ

Sunday, April 5, 2009

In the Sanctuary 04-05-09

Brother Ky delivered a sermon from 2 Samuel chapter 6.

V2-V3 – David wanted to bring the ark of God to him. They placed the ark on a cart for transport.

V6-V7 – During the transfer of the ark, the oxen pulling the cart stumbled causing the ark to shift. Uzzah placed his hand on the ark to steady it and God killed him.

V9 – David was afraid of the Lord.

How do we have a relationship with God?

  1. Through Reading His Word.
    Had David, and the rest of Israel, read the laws of God they would have known how to carry the ark (Numbers 4:15).

  2. From Fear of the Lord.
    If you don’t fear God you can’t get to know Him (Proverbs 1:7).
Read Psalm 119 to see what a relationship with God looks like.

To watch Click here then click on the "This Past Sunday" Icon in the top right.

In the Class Room 04-05-09

Brother Robert taught out of 2 Samuel Chapter 9

V1-3 Because of David’s covenant with Jonathan, David wants to show the same kindness that God has shown him to Jonathan’s family.

V4-13 David seeks out Jonathon’s son, Mephibosheth, and brings him to the kings table.

This chapter is a representation of Gods salvation to man.

Mephibosheth represents man in a cripple and fallen state unable to help himself.

Ziba is a picture of the Holy Spirit going out to get and help the one whom the King has chosen.

David is a picture of God extending His grace to man through Jesus. Because of David and Jonathon’s covenant, Mephibosheth was adopted into the Kings family.

Because of Jesus we can be adopted by God.

Be prepared for next weeks study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 10