Tuesday, November 3, 2009

In the Class Room 11-01-09

What a fitting day for a study on praise! After the turbulent week of too much rain, high winds, and tornadoes, we are so blessed that no lives have been lost. Though some of us have received property damage, none of us are homeless and we have jobs to provide an income to meet our needs. And the sun is shining and will do so all week!

We began our study Sunday with Chapter 22 in II Samuel and made it through the first four verses. In our study book this chapter is discussed on pages 87-88, Day 4, ‘A Great Celebration’ of ‘Back Where He Belonged’. In this passage David is reflecting on the victorious battles God has brought him through and the many times he was delivered from the hands of Saul. An old song David had sung many years before comes to mind and is recorded in this chapter. David acknowledges without God, no victory would have been won. Many times David’s strength was exhausted, and the conflicts with his enemies seemed endless; he had no choice but to rely on the Lord.

In times of trouble and conflict, it is reassuring to remember that we still have reason to give praise! He is our rock when we are slipping; He is our fortress when we are crumbling; He is our deliverer when we are trapped; He is our shield when we are exposed; He is our salvation from death; He is our Savior when we are ‘drowning’; and He is our refuge when we are pursued, verses 2-3. Look at verse 4 and note that David makes this a personal song of praise. I will call on the Lord. Reread this paragraph and change the word ‘our’ to ‘my’ and the word ‘we’ to ‘I’. He is a personal God, to you, to me, to everyone. He is all this and so much more! He is worthy to be praised!! When life spins out of control, He is my Lord!

This hymn of praise is also recorded in Chapter 18 of Psalms, the book that records many songs David wrote. The two sets of verses are almost identical, but one exception should be noted. The first verse of Psalm 18 reads, ‘I will love thee, O Lord…. David first tells his Lord that he loves Him. No demands. No despair. Just I love you. His love for us (me) is so great, so enduring, so unconditional, how could we (I) not love him in return. May we (I) never forget to tell Him of our (my) love for Him. Worth repeating, He is worthy to be praised!

Be with us Sunday as we continue to look at David’s song of praise recorded in Chapter 22 of
II Samuel, beginning with verse 5. Be ready to share your insights and thoughts on this passage of Scripture as we study and learn God’s Word together.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 22

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The bad weather Thursday hit several of Bossier Parish neighborhoods hard and three of our class members have damage to their homes. Ron and Kay received roof damage and the master bedroom cannot be used at this time. All walls and ceiling will have to be replaced in the kitchen. They lost all the trees in their back yard and the fence will have to be replaced. A neighbor’s roof landed in their back yard. They also lost trees in the front.

Jim and Diane had a tree blown onto their roof, but no major damage done.

Leonard and Donna had roof damage from the previous week’s high winds and rain. As far as we know, everyone else was safe, had no property damage, and have no threat of flooding.

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Lights are needed to light up the church courtyard and campus for Christmas. A certain kind of lights are requested. They can be purchased at Ellis Pottery. Tell the clerk they are for FBB and a discount will be given and they can point you in the direction of the red boxed lights!

Nov. 14, Saturday, Michael Smith concert at the church. Tickets available at LifeWay in Shreveport and online.

Many things are coming up in December, the Christmas program, a family night event, birthday party for Jesus on Christmas Eve to name a few. Will keep you posted.

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Jean White – Jim Shaw’s sister; relocating to Bossier; safe travel & needs to find a home
Lester Nichols – Joel and Brenda’s Dad; abdominal health problems
Mindy & Cole Pasquier – Donna’s daughter/grandson; awaiting test results of a genetic disease
cell discovered in Cole’s tumor; test to reveal if there are cells to cause future problems

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If you would like to receive the weekly news letter, let us know by sending us an email at finlyssc@gmail.com

Robert’s book, The Holy Spirit: Our Helper is now available on Amazon.com and at Christian Life Books at 8026 Jewella Ave. If you would like a copy, you can save taxes/S&H by obtaining a copy from us. The publisher has priced the book at $12.99.

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