Tuesday, November 17, 2009

In the Class Room 11-15-09

Sunday worship service or class Bible study was not as planned. Dr. Fred gave us the ‘wonderful’ news that Bro. Jerry Ables was healed, because he now has a new body and is in the presence of our Lord. Dr. Fred felt his planned message was not appropriate and instead delivered a powerful message on what death is for the Christian and for the unbeliever. He told us how Jerry had continued to the end to ask all who came into his presence “Did they know that when they died they would go to heaven?” Dr. Fred stated that he knew nothing would please Jerry more that his death resulting in someone coming to know Christ. We know of Jerry’s passion for the lost as well as the hurting. He was active in the Celebrate Recovery program since its inception at FBB and dreamed of establishing a Celebrate Recovery halfway house in our city. In lieu of flowers, the family is asking that contributions be made toward a memorial fund to help make that dream come true.

Needless to say, we are all saddened by his death, but happy that he is now pain free. Jerry’s daughter, Amy, posted this on her facebook wall yesterday: “Soon you will read in the newspaper that I am dead. Don’t believe it for a moment, I will be more alive than ever before.” D. L. Moody. She followed with these words: My dad finished his battle with cancer earlier this morning. Cancer lost.. Dad is cancer-free, pain-free, and is in the presence of the Savior he served. We miss him already, but…“you must not carry on over him like people who have nothing to look forward to, as if the grave were the last word. Since Jesus died and brook loose from the grave, God will most certainly bring back to life those who died in Jesus….. She finished with I Thessalonians 4:14-18, The Message translation.

Visitation: Tuesday, Nov. 17, 4 PM – 8 PM at FBB Worship Center
Service: Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2 PM at FBB Worship Center

In class, we continued with a discussion on being prepared for death and reaching out to family members, friends, or any one who crosses our path to learn if he/she is prepared to meet the Lord.

Gale was back in class Sunday after a hospital stay and gave thanks for healing. His blood platelets are normal and he is back to work.

The Shaws and Debbie joined Robert, Amanda, and me at El Chico’s for an evening meal Sunday. El Chico’s had agreed to donate 10% of the ticket of all who ate there from 5-10PM on behalf of the Hub Ministry, if over 100 people did so. When we finished our meal and left around 7 PM, over 240 had eaten representing the organization! The Hub ministry was started by Cassie Hammett, greeting people at the bus station with bottled water, snacks, and Biblical tracks. The ministry has grown into a weekly meeting of feeding and clothing the homeless and the needy. All cash, food, and clothing contributions are appreciated and can be donated through our class. So clean out your closet and bring your ‘do away with’ clothes Sunday.

Monday, November 23, is the last day to get your Christmas shoeboxes to the church to be shipped. So, finish packing your box and bring it to church Sunday.

Also, bring your cans of corn if you volunteered to help FBB serve a Thanksgiving meal for the Celebrate Recovery group. We needed four volunteers and you were: Diane, Donna, Eva Lee, and Nell. Bring your corn to class and I will get it ready to serve and take it to the church Monday evening, Nov. 23.


Wednesday, Dec. 2, 6 PM is Family Light Night at the church. Lights are needed to light up the church courtyard and campus for Christmas. A certain kind of light is requested; so check a bulletin or call the church office for description. They can be purchased at Home Depot, Michael’s, and Hobby Lobby; Ellis Pottery has sold out. Activities on family light night will include kids, students, and seniors and will be held outside. Bring the family and help light up the campus, enjoy the activities and refreshments.

Friday, Dec. 11, 7 PM Robert and I will host our annual Christmas class party at Shane’s restaurant, Bossier City on East Texas (Highway 80). The banquet room has been reserved for us. There will be a varied menu, a choice of several meats and side dishes. Good fellowship, good fun, games, and prizes! Sounds like us, so plan to be there.

Sunday, Dec. 13, 3 PM and 6:30 PM a Christmas concert, Gloria, featuring Mac Powell of Third Day will conducted at FBB.

Friday, Dec. 18, 6 PM Tim Hawkins, a family night of Christmas comedy held at the church.

Thursday, Dec. 24, 6 PM Birthday Party for Jesus, a Christmas Eve service for the whole family at FBB.

Saturday, Dec. 26 Boxing Day – Details to be announced.

Thursday, Dec. 31, the Lord’s Supper will be available at 6 PM. This is a come and go service.

Ables family; death of Bro. Jerry
Jean White – Jim’s sister – surgery needed for mass on ovary; trying to relocate to BC
Jim – heart cath Thursday
Family of Eva Lee’s brother-in-law; passed away last week
Gregory Lee – Veronica’s brother; nursing clinical tests Mon.; 2nd attempt

We will continue studying Chapter 22 of II Samuel Sunday, beginning with verse 15. This chapter is a parallel with Psalm 18, which was written by David as a song of praise to his God. So far we have learned that David realized that only by calling upon his Lord could he receive the help he needed, verse 4. When David actually called upon the Lord, guess what, God heard his voice! (verse 7). The following nine verses tell of the Lord’s response to David’s distress. God was angry that His child was being confronted with troubles and sorrows. A startling truth, at times God becomes angry? Is it okay to become angry?

God was not just miffed, he was angry. The earth shook and trembled, smoke came out of His nostrils and fire came out of His mouth, He bent the heavens and came to earth, He walked on the dark clouds and rode on the wings of an angel with darkness surrounding Him. What an attention getting entrance on the scene!

Robert backed the fact that God does indeed experience anger, and things that make Him angry, with the following Scriptures:

1) Wickedness: Psalm 7:11
2) His enemies: Psalm 21:8-9
3) When His children are hurt: Nahum 1:2-3
4) Ungodliness: Romans 1:18
5) Unbelief: Psalm 78:21-22, Hebrews 3:18-19, and John 3:36
6) Idolatry: Psalm 78:58-59

To learn the answer to appease God’s anger, turn to Romans 5:9. Jesus is the answer! When God became offended (angry) by sin and man’s disobedience to Him, He justified his anger by sending His Son, Jesus, to pay our sin debt. Again, look at John 3:36; anyone who believes on the Son shall have everlasting life. Also read I Thessalonians 5:9.

Be with us Sunday as we continue our study of Chapter 22 of II Samuel, beginning with verse 15, learning how He administered solace to David, rescued David from the everyday problems of life, and why (this is the good part!) He did so. Hint: Verse 20. Be ready to share your insights and thoughts on this passage of Scripture as we study and learn God’s Word together.
Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 22

If you would like to receive the weekly news letter, let us know by sending us an email at finlyssc@gmail.com

Robert’s book, The Holy Spirit: Our Helper is now available on Amazon.com and at Christian Life Books at 8026 Jewella Ave. If you would like a copy, you can save taxes/S&H by obtaining a copy from us. The publisher has priced the book at $12.99.

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