Tuesday, October 27, 2009

In the Class Room 10-25-09

We began our study Sunday with verse 15 of Chapter 21 in II Samuel and completed the chapter. These verses were covered in our study book in Day 3, ‘An Old Enemy’ of ‘Back Where He Belonged’, on pages 86-87. We find recorded in these verses the account of four battles that the Israelites engaged in with their old enemy, the Philistines. David accompanied his warriors in these battles and in verse 15, we are told that David grew faint or exhausted. The original word for exhausted in Hebrew means ‘to cover, to fly, faint, flee away’, literally a desire to run and hide. A Philistine giant, with six fingers and six toes, born to the tribe of giants in Gath and sporting a new sword, was about to close in on David and take his life. Remember, Goliath, whom David slew was also of Gath. Practical application here to take note of: Many times, after a battle is won with our old enemy, Satan, he will come at us again with a new weapon, attempting to once again take us down.

Abishai overcame the giant and slew him. David’s men did not want King David, referred to as ‘the light of Israel’ to go to battle any more for fear that he would be killed. However, David accompanied his warriors in all four battles recorded in this chapter and God brought David to victory in each. Our discussion revealed that there is no shame in getting weary; heroes get tired also. At times God allows us to become exhausted to force us to receive help, in which there is also no shame. Shame comes in refusing to accept help or victory through another when God supplies a hero. Practical application here: Use all resources, the Word, Christian friends who have walked there before, prayer, etc. available to win the battle with our enemy.

Be with us Sunday as we continue the study of David’s life, beginning with Chapter 22 of II Samuel and on page 87, Day Four, A Great Celebration in the Master Work book. Be ready to share your insights and thoughts on this passage of Scripture as we study and learn God’s Word together.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 22

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Leonard’s surgery – Robert talked with Leonard and his cataract surgery went well; he will have a follow up visit with his doctor this week and expects no complications.

Reported Sunday: Ken and Chad, Jim and Diane’s sons both sold homes that had been on the market for a while! Encouragement for Finleys and Williams, who also have homes on the market for sale. Remind us, Lord, all in your timing!

Donald “Bubba” Howard, Robert’s friend who has lung cancer and been on our prayer list for a while, received a very good report last week. A PET scan revealed he is responding to treatment very well. The two large masses had shrunk considerably and all the small spots that were developing in his lungs and on his ribs had disappeared completely.. He will receive two more chemo treatments and be evaluated again.

Adam Edmonds – 5 yr. old grandson of Roger’s friend; for successful recovery of
reattachment of left arm after being severed below elbow from tree fall; no pulse in wrist
James Campbell – leg infection following heart surgery artery graft
Roy Leshe – Sherwin Williams Bastrop store manager (late 20’s); stroke
Mindy & Cole Pasquier – Donna’s daughter/grandson; returning to St. Jude’s for tests; a cell
discovered of a genetic disease of Cole’s tumor removed months ago; tests will reveal if
there are more cells that could cause future problems; early detection key to prevention

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If you would like to receive the weekly news letter, let us know by sending us an email at finlyssc@gmail.com

Robert’s book, The Holy Spirit: Our Helper is now available on Amazon.com and at Christian Life Books at 8026 Jewella Ave. If you would like a copy, you can save taxes/S&H by obtaining a copy from us. The publisher has priced the book at $12.99.

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