Tuesday, October 20, 2009

In the Class Room 10-18-09

Our study Sunday covered II Samuel, Chapter 21, Verses 3-14. In the Master Work book our study began at the bottom of page 85 and continued to page 86, ‘Back Where He Belonged’, Day Two (Unfinished Business). Last week, in verses 1 and 2, we learned a famine had fallen on Israel that lasted for three years. When David had inquired of God why the famine?, he learned it was because a vow made years earlier not to make war with the Gibeonites had been broken by King Saul. God was now holding the entire nation of Israel to this old vow. God meant for Israel to keep their agreement, even though they never should have entered into the agreement. David went to the Gibeonites to ask what restitution could be made. The Gibeonites made their request: seven descendents of Saul were to be put to death. This may seem rather harsh, but some Biblical scholars believe the seven men chosen and executed had directly or indirectly participated in the massacre of the Gibeonites. David met the demands requested, the men were hanged, and the bodies left unburied to signify their execution was an act of judgment. This image of unburied bones stirred deep emotion within David. He remembered the exposed bodies of Saul and his dear friend Jonathan after their death. Their remains were not where they should be. David went himself to retrieve the bones of Saul and Jonathan, brought them back and buried them in the tomb of Saul’s father. David also buried the bones of the seven who were executed as recompense for Israel’s failure to keep her promise. When this was done, rain fell, and the famine ended. The coming of the rain showed the famine was over, justice was satisfied, and Israel was delivered.

Lesson to be learned: God expects nations, as well as individuals, to keep promises. If broken, consequences will be paid and restitution must be made. Obedience is necessary for spiritual famine to end and the rains (healing) to be poured out. Obedience has amazing effects: “After that, God answered prayer in behalf of the land.”

Be with us Sunday as we continue the study of Chapter 21, beginning with verse 15 and on page 86, Day Three, An Old Enemy in the Master Work book. Be ready to share your insights and thoughts on this passage of Scripture as we study and learn God’s Word together.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 21

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A strong appeal was made Sunday for everyone to bring items for the Great Give Away! (See details below for items wanted.) Approximately 1,000 families have been invited to participate in the give away. Each family will be issued five tokens to buy items. This means that 5,000 items are needed and the number is far from reached! So pretend it is spring and do your spring cleaning! Go through your house and eliminate items you no longer want, need, or use (new or gently used) or make a trip to Walmart and donate to this Loving Loud opportunity!

Each Sunday School class has been assigned a booth for the ‘Give Away Sale’. The Outdoors Equipment booth is our designated booth. Volunteers were solicited to man our booth. Times are from Sunday, 2 – 4 PM and 4 – 6 PM. If you volunteered for either of these times, you will need to be present at the booth 15 minutes prior to designated time.

Robert’s book, The Holy Spirit: Our Helper is now available on Amazon.com and at Christian Life Books at 8026 Jewella Ave. If you would like a copy, you can save taxes/S&H by obtaining a copy from us. The publisher has priced the book at $12.99.


FBB is sponsoring a Great Giveaway and needs our help. The flier reads: “We have all the stuff we need to make this giveaway a success and it is all at your house!!” This is a free rummage sale for area residents in need. Church members are asked to donate new or gently used items in 15 categories, ranging from sporting goods to Christmas decorations. NO CLOTHING OR SHOES. Categories and rules for donations are given below:


  1. House wares
  2. Kitchen equipment
  3. Small appliances
  4. Linens
  5. Furniture
  6. Sporting goods
  7. Christmas decorations
  8. Seasonal decorations
  9. Home Décor
  10. Outdoors equipment
  11. Bibles, book, and school supplies
  12. Personal care items
  13. Tools
  14. Toys and children’s items
  15. Televisions and electronics

Donations can be dropped off:
Wednesday October 14 & 21 – 5PM-8PM
Saturday October 17 & 24 – 10AM-4PM
Sunday October 18 & 25 – 9AM-1PM

Rules for Donations:
Items will be received ONLY during designated donation times at the pods in front of
Faith Chapel.

  1. Items must be in good working order.
  2. Items should be new or gently used.
  3. Personal care items must be unopened.
  4. Donated items are to be clean.
  5. We will NOT accept ANY clothing or shoes.

Each Sunday School class has been assigned a booth for the ‘Give Away Sale’. The Outdoors Equipment booth is our designated booth. Volunteers were solicited Sunday to man our booth. Times are from 2 – 4 PM and 4 – 6 PM. If you volunteered for either of these times, you will need to be present at the booth 15 minutes prior to designated time. Your phone number was submitted, along with your name, so I am assuming you will be contacted if more info is needed. We will most likely have more info in our packet Sunday.

Prior to the Great Giveaway event, neighborhoods are to be canvassed and door hangers hung. Teams of 2 or 3 will be assigned various streets. Volunteers are needed from every class. After the event, visits will be made to present the gospel message to the homes where door hangers were previously hung. Make this a matter of prayer and give serious thought to helping reach families in our area. More info later: dates and hours, etc.

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Pretty good, but not as good as last Sunday. Several were out of town and of course, we have several who are on the premises, but serving in various places. Welcome back, Katie! Glad we didn’t lose you permanently!


Talked to Jolene Monday night and she is recovering well, even spending a few hours a day at the office. Shhhh! I don’t think her doctor knows this. That Jolene, independent gal! According to Robert, it takes one to know one. Wonder what he means by that?! We look forward to having Jolene and Charlie back in class soon.

If you would like to receive the weekly news letter, let us know by sending us an email at finlyssc@gmail.com

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