Sunday, April 19, 2009

In the Class Room 04-19-09

Brother Robert taught out of 2 Samuel Chapter 10

V1, 2 – David shows compassion.
We should have compassion for our enemy’s
(Ref - 1 Peter3:8, Proverbs 24:17, 18)

V3 – Kindness in the world produces suspicious minds. Don’t let that stop you from being kind. Overcome evil with good.

V4 – Kindness may be rejected. Make sure your acts of kindness are for God. We are to do what God commands us to do, no matter if we are offended or not.

V5 – David protected the dignity of men that were ashamed. David did not exploit the situation for his benefit. Neither should we.

V12 – The battle belongs to God. We trust God regardless of the outcome.
(Ref – Acts 9:4. Jesus takes it personal when children of God are being persecuted.)

V15 – The wicked run in packs. The wicked will gang up on the Godly.

V19 – The enemy surrenders.
(Ref – Revelation 20:10. God wins)

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 11

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