Sunday, April 5, 2009

In the Class Room 04-05-09

Brother Robert taught out of 2 Samuel Chapter 9

V1-3 Because of David’s covenant with Jonathan, David wants to show the same kindness that God has shown him to Jonathan’s family.

V4-13 David seeks out Jonathon’s son, Mephibosheth, and brings him to the kings table.

This chapter is a representation of Gods salvation to man.

Mephibosheth represents man in a cripple and fallen state unable to help himself.

Ziba is a picture of the Holy Spirit going out to get and help the one whom the King has chosen.

David is a picture of God extending His grace to man through Jesus. Because of David and Jonathon’s covenant, Mephibosheth was adopted into the Kings family.

Because of Jesus we can be adopted by God.

Be prepared for next weeks study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 10

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