Sunday, April 26, 2009

In the Class Room 04-26-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.
2 Samuel Chapter 11

V1 – David lost direction.
David should have been at the battle. He lost focus of his responsibility.
As Christians we are “to be about our masters business.” We are to encourage people and share the Gospel.

David became comfortable and lost focus. When Christians become comfortable and lose focus, the easier it is to fall into sin.
1 Corinthians 10:12 says to be on guard.

Two things to be on guard about:
1 – Busyness: If we don’t have time for God we will lose focus.
2 – Boredom: Allows things into your life that should not be there.

V2 – David forgot God.
At the moment of his temptation his thoughts were not of God but on his own desires.
Psalm 106: 6-13 (verse 13, they forgot God’s works.)

Lessons to Learn
David left himself unaccountable. (We need accountability)
David should have followed Josephs example and ran away.
(Run from sexual sin) 1 Corinthians 6:18

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 11

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