Sunday, August 2, 2009

In the Class Room 08-02-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.
2 Samuel 15

Absalom is trying to impress the people of the city. He is positioning himself to take the throne.

V2-6: Absalom acts like a politician.
Absalom is a man of action and a schemer.

V7-9: Absalom is using religion to get the king to allow him to go to Hebron.

V10-12: Absalom is starting his takeover of the throne.
Verse 12 says “the conspiracy grew strong”. Even David’s counselor, Ahithophel, went to Absalom.

Just because the crowd is saying it is right doesn’t make it right.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 15

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