Sunday, July 4, 2010

In the Class Room 7-4-10


No class today.


Irma – Veronica’s friend; for opportunity to move back to this area
Paul S. – Roger’s grandson-in-law; needs employment


Class resumes Sunday, July 11! Robert will begin a new series of lessons, entitled ‘Every Believer Needs To Know……’. If you did not get your copy last Sunday, copies will be available in the class room, Room 404, 11 AM.

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill has affected the lives of many of our Louisiana citizens. In an effort to alleviate some of the needs, our Governor and First Lady have launched a ‘school supplies for kids’ drive. Many of our Gulf Coast families have lost their income and in a few weeks school days will resume. The children of these families will need supplies to succeed in the classroom. Our church has worked with a vendor who will provide every supply requested at a very low price and deliver them directly to the Governor’s office in Baton Rouge. Each school supply pack is only $29, a fantastic price! Take advantage of this opportunity to help our southern neighbors. You may drop off your donation at the church office. Our initial goal is to provide 300 packs.

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