Monday, June 28, 2010

In the Class Room 6-27-10


Robert concluded the study book lessons on ‘How to Live in Stressful Times’ this past class meeting. This final lesson was entitled, ‘When Life is Unfair’. So many things in life seem unfair, house values go down, taxes go up; income decreases, gas and grocery prices increase; age creeps up, we must watch our diet and pace our work and play with caution; children grow up, move out, then move back in, often with a child in tow; it’s just not fair!

While these issues are stressful, they cannot come close to the most horrific unfairness that Jesus endured to provide a way for salvation for us—sinful man. There are many lessons we can learn from our Bible passage for this lesson, Chapters 15 and 16 of the Gospel of Mark. Jesus was brought before Pilate to receive his verdict, necessary to carry out an execution. Pilate knew that the accusers of Jesus were acting out of envy. It was customary during the Passover to release a prisoner and to make political points with the Jewish leaders and placate the unruly mob, Pilate offered the crowd a choice: the release of Barabbas or Jesus. When the crowd chose Barabbas, Pilate sent Jesus to be flogged and later crucified. Chapter 15:15-20 describe the physical and verbal abuse that Jesus endured: beaten, mocked, insulted, humiliated, crowned with thorns, and led out to be crucified. Through it all, He remained silent.

Crucifixions were public exhibitions, but chief priests and scribes usually did not attend executions. However, they attended this one, because they had a prime interest in getting rid of Jesus. They came to gloat; the teacher who claimed to save others cannot save Himself! Interesting, though the plaque above His head read, King of the Jews, the priests and scribes addressed Him as Messiah, King of Israel, Chapter 15:32. Jesus could have indeed come down from the cross, but in doing so, He would not have saved us from our sins. Jesus remained faithful to His Father’s will in completing the plan of salvation.

Jesus hung on the cross six hours, a much shorter time than usual. Crucifixion was a slow and torturous death. Victims had to push their bodies upward to fill their lungs to breathe. As they became weaker, they no longer had the strength to do so and eventually would become unconscious and die. It is astounding that Jesus, after the horrific physical abuse, was able to cry in a loud voice, “It is finished!” The veil in the temple was rent from top to bottom, signifying that man, any man, could now directly approach God, the Father. It is as if Jesus chose the moment and manner of His death. We have learned previously that no one killed Jesus, He allowed Himself to be taken and willfully lay down His life. Jesus died an untimely death, but His death was the pinnacle of faithfulness and victory over sin.

Mark 16:5-7 tells the ‘rest of the story’; He is alive! Our salvation plan is complete; eternal life is possible, and guess what?! In the end, We win!!

Truths gleaned from this lesson:
  1. In times of abuse, even if it be for our faith, we should show faithfulness to God by behavior that reflects our relationship with Jesus Christ.
  2. We cannot avoid unfair experiences, we can only choose how we will respond to them.
  3. As Christians, we know that when we are treated unfairly, we can trust God and know that anything He brings to us, He will bring us through it.
  4. As followers of Christ, we can be confident that our faithfulness to God will ultimately be vindicated. Read the last chapter of Revelation. We win!!!

The author of this lesson included the following as a note to the reader:

This lesson is not intended to support a person’s submitting to physical abuse at the hands of a spouse, parent, caregiver, or authority figure. Such abuse should not be tolerated and should be reported to the proper authorities.

  • Paul – Roger’s grandson-in-law; needs employment
  • Reagen – Sylvia’s sister’s 2 wk. old granddaughter; vocal cords paralyzed, to be trached this wk.; San Diego Children’s Hospital
  • Jennifer – Janice’s daughter; chronic weakness
  • JaMichael – Veronica’s co-worker’s son; to make wise decisions; domestic violence victim
  • Brandon – Gale’s nephew; for salvation

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