Tuesday, July 27, 2010

In the Class Room 7-25-10


Robert began a new study July 11, entitled Every Believer Needs to Know. . . . The theme of this lesson is ‘Assurance of Salvation’ and the Scripture to study is 1 John 5:11-14, which tells us that we can know we have eternal life if we believe in the name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Having Christ in our hearts assures us we will have eternal life.

The second foundational truth to have assurance of salvation, the Witness of the Spirit, was discussed yesterday and ‘Bro. Finley’ was wound up, taught a little, preached a little! (I can say that since I am his wife!). Our Scripture text was Romans 8:14, 16. Robert refreshed our memory that one experiences a ‘new birth’ at the moment of salvation and at that time is born, as a babe, into the family of God. However, just as babies must learn to walk, talk, and mature, Christians must also grow and mature, I Peter 2:2. Ways to grow were discussed: studying the Word, prayer, learning from mistakes (which all will make) and getting up and going forward, seeking Godly advice and counsel, regular fellowship with Christians, etc.

At the moment of our new birth, the Holy Spirit also enters and indwells within us, Titus 3:4-7. We become part of a whole, the body of Christ. Read I Corinthians 12:13, 27 to understand that Christians must function co-operatively, never independently, for full potential growth and success. Other Scriptures to read are Galatians 4:4-7 and Ephesians 1:11-14.

We, as believers, become His children; thus, becoming ‘heirs of God’. Our greatest inheritance will be fully realized when we become like Him and receive perfection and a glorified body (WOW!). But……we receive part of our inheritance now! At the time we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we inherit the person of Jesus Christ; we inherit the Holy Spirit; and we inherit God Himself (the Written Word), Acts 20:32. In summation, the Holy Spirit bears witness to our spirit that we, as believers, are the children of God and are assured of our eternal salvation, Romans 8:16.

Next class meeting we will discuss the third truth, the Testimony of a Changed Life. Scripture text will be II Corinthians 5:17 and 16. Other Scriptures to read are I John 2:3 and 14-15. Study these verses and come prepared to share your thoughts, questions, and insights with us. See you then!


Jeff and Denise  – death of Denise’s mother, Rita.
Janie – Diane’s mom; gall bladder surgery Thurs.
Reagen – Sylvia’s sister’s infant granddaughter; vocal cords paralyzed; if she feeds well this week a feeding tube not necessary; parents, Brian & Rachel, trusting God for their baby
Jolene – still in recovery process from surgery months ago; good days/bad days
James'  (Amanda’s friend) mom – in hospital
Mike’s (Amanda’s friend) parents – not doing well
Gale – works outside; struggling with heat/high temps
Joel and Steve – for Christian women to become part of their lives
Aislyn – Jolene’s daughter – for transition as her business moves
Denver – Mark/Leslie’s son; student at Centenary; considering joining National Guard

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