Monday, July 19, 2010

In the Class Room 7-18-10


If it is at your house like it is at ours and you make plans to be outdoors, you change you mind quickly when you stick your head out! Hot, humid, sticky, smothering, just a few words that come to mind! However……..we do have AC in the classroom, so don’t let the heat keep you from attending class. Low attendance is expected in the summer; but know that we miss you when you’re not there!


Robert began a new study July 11, entitled Every Believer Needs to Know. . . . , and only covered the introduction that Sunday, to no one’s surprise, I’m sure. Our actual study of Lesson One got under way this past Sunday. The theme of this lesson is ‘Assurance of Salvation’ and the Scripture to study is 1 John 5:11-14, which tells us that we can know we have eternal life if we believe in the name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Having Christ in our hearts assures us we will have eternal life.

Salvation is definite and real. God wants all believers to have assurance of their salvation. This assurance is based on three major foundational truths. We studied and discussed the first of the three, the Word of God. We can be assured of our salvation because of what is written in the Word. Read the Gospel of John 10:27-28. This book was written for us to know Him—Christ. The Bible is the believer’s spiritual birth certificate. Other Scriptures to read are:

1 John 1:7, 9        John 10:28-30      Romans 5:8-9
Romans 6:23       John 3:18, 36        John 5:25

These scriptures invoked a profound discussion on the permanence of salvation. We are told that nothing, no force (human or satanic), can separate one from God after acknowledging and accepting Christ as the Son of God, asking forgiveness of all sin, and pursuing a Christian life. At that moment, eternal life is a promise and God never breaks a promise. We do have a life that is everlasting! In summary, salvation is unchanging and not based on feelings or circumstances.

The second foundational truth to have assurance of salvation is the Witness of the Spirit. Next class meeting we will discuss this truth. Read Romans 8:14 and 16 and come prepared to share your thoughts, questions, and insights with us. See you then.


The Men’s Breakfast is this Wednesday, 6:30 AM at the Fellowship Hall at the church. Guest speaker will be instructing men on how to become empowering witnesses. No fee. A good opportunity to fellowship, break bread, and learn!


Johnny B. – knee scopes recovery
Marion C. – death of his father
Rita W. – Jeff’s mother-in-law; serious heart & stomach issues; ICU (KY)
Judi – Leonard’s daughter; needs employment
Heifner family – death of Eva Lee’s friend, Sue, (comatose since surgery few mos. ago)
Reagen – Sylvia’s sister’s infant granddaughter; vocal cords paralyzed; trach done, possibly feeding tube necessary; for Brian & Rachel learning her care

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