Tuesday, May 11, 2010

In the Class Room 5-9-10


Evidently, we have become fast listeners! Robert finished an entire lesson the second Sunday in a row. The lesson, How to be Successful was taken from Mark, Chapter 10:32-52. We discussed the Biblical definition of success. In this passage, Jesus again told his disciples as they traveled up to Jerusalem of His (the Son of Man) coming fate and once again they failed to grasp the gravity, purpose, and meaning of His earthly life. Though Jesus told of his coming death, He did not leave the disciples without hope. He also told them that He would rise after three days. Jesus made it clear that doing what God wants may include sacrifice and suffering.

Soon after this conversation, James and John approached Jesus with an ambitious and somewhat selfish request. They asked for a position on the right hand and the left hand of Jesus when He set up His kingdom. They still did not realize that Christ’s kingdom would not be on an earthly throne, delivering them from Roman oppression. Jesus asked James and John if they were willing to drink the cup and be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with. They answered affirmatively. The other disciples overheard the conversation and became indignant. The crisis caused was used by Jesus to teach the true meaning of success. Authority and success in God’s kingdom is based on humble service, not selfish grabs for power as in the secular world. Those who aspire to become truly great will find the path to that goal lies in service to others, even if it involves personal sacrifice. Authentic success in life is possible if your life’s ladder is leaning against a relationship of saving faith in Jesus Christ.

We start a new unit of lessons next week entitled, Face Your Problems. The first lesson is When Your Priorities Are Challenged. Read this lesson, beginning on page 83 of our book and Mark, Chapter 11 through Chapter 12:44. Come prepared to share thoughts, insights, ideas and questions.


Shannon – Diane’s daughter; possible cervical cancer, 2 suspicious spots
Amy – Amanda’s friend; serious issues
Kay – starts chemo Monday
Jolene – continued recovery
Eva Lee – continued recovery
Joe – for good report from liver test


A great time last Tuesday evening at Shane’s! Wonderful to see Kay looking good and feeling well enough to be out after finishing radiation and first round of chemo. Class did not know that Jeff Salter was in town and that we had invited him to join us. A great surprise for all! Every one enjoyed seeing him and catching up on the last 3 ½ years since he and Denise moved to Kentucky. We miss them much!

We had special prayer for Jolene who has had a slow recovery from heart surgery and was still hospitalized after a month. It worked! Wednesday, Jolene was released and is now home! Never doubt that prayer works and that God is Good!

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