Monday, May 17, 2010

In the Class Room 5-16-10


We started a new unit of lessons this week entitled, Face Your Problems. The first lesson studied this Sunday was When Your Priorities Are Challenged. Our Scripture reading was Mark, Chapter 12:13-17 and 28-34. The truth learned today was that Christians have obligations to God, to others, and to their government, but first priority is to God.

We closed last week with Jesus and his disciples entering Jerusalem for what Jesus had said would be a time of betrayal and death for Him, concluding in His resurrection. He entered on a donkey and while there visited the temple and drove out money changers declaring the temple a house of prayer. This prompted the temple leaders to look for a way to be rid of Him. Jesus and His disciples spent the night in nearby Bethany and the following day returned to Jerusalem.

His day was filled with trick questions from the Pharisees, who were the staunch religious leaders and the Herodians, who were the stalwart political leaders. The Pharisees and Herodians tried to trick Jesus by asking, “Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar?” Answering no could result in treason against Rome and answering yes would offend the Pharisees who objected to the use of coins with Caesar’s image, declaring his divinity; therefore, a violation of the First and Second Commandments.

Recognizing their hypocrisy and that it was a trick question and would result in an accusation against Him if he answered yes or no, Jesus responded wisely. He asked for a coin used to pay taxes. Interesting that Jesus had no coin of His own and apparently neither did the disciples! He asked for a coin of those who were trying to trap Him and they obeyed His request! Receiving the coin, Jesus asked, “Whose image and inscription is this?” When they answered Caesars’s, He told them to give to Caesar what is his and give to God what is God’s. They were amazed at His answer (shrewdness and wisdom)! Jesus affirmed the idea that citizens owe appropriate support to their government for their benefit, but also established the breadth of God’s claim on every human being. We are created by God and all that we are and have is God’s.

The second question posed to Jesus was by a scribe who transcribed and taught the Mosiac law. “Which commandment is the most important of all?” The answer was in two parts. Jesus declared the first priority of every Christian is to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, Mark 12:30. The scribe asked for only the most important commandment, but Jesus continued by giving the second most important, to love your neighbor as yourself, Mark 12:31. Jesus forever linked these two obligations as inseparable for believers. If God is priority, these commandments will be obeyed. If God is priority, a strengthened commitment will enable us to meet obligations appropriately should our priorities be challenged. Priorities can be in the order that Jesus commanded by keeping our heart and mind open to God’s truth.

Next week’s lesson When You Feel Overwhelmed begins on page 90 in our book and is taken from Mark 13:1-37. Read this chapter and come prepared to share thoughts, insights, ideas and questions.


Family of Danny & JoAnn – death of their mother.
Frances – back problems and upset over death of her aunt.
Virginia – wife of Donna’s co-worker; cancer.
Betty – asthma and glaucoma.
Yvonne – Roger’s daughter.
Sylvia’s mother – to retain failing eyesight (91 yrs. old) so she can continue to read her Bible!

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