Tuesday, May 25, 2010

In the Class Room 5-23-10


We covered part of the second lesson in the new unit of lessons entitled, Face Your Problems in Sunday Bible study. This purpose of this lesson, When You Feel Overwhelmed, is to give us important instructions and insights on how to handle the future, especially when troubling events seem to crash down and overwhelm. Our Scripture reading was Mark, Chapter 13 and while this chapter deals with the end time, the end of time as it is now known was not the theme of this lesson. As always, Jesus used every opportunity to teach and on this occasion gave crucial help to His followers and an example to every generation for living and witnessing in a hostile world.

We can prepare for trying times by: TRUSTING THE SPIRIT
As Jesus and His disciples exited the temple one day, one of the disciples commented on the splendor and beauty. Jesus responded by informing them that one day it would all be destroyed. Peter, James, and John later asked Jesus to tell them more about when and how they would know when the temple was to be destroyed. Jesus’ response shifts back and forth between an immediate and a remote future. The author of our lesson states that the events He talked of seem to have a dual fulfillment—once in the disciples’ lifetimes and again with finality in the end times. He warned of persecution and personal suffering and the difficulty they would endure to remain His followers, much like the fate that was to be His. When Jesus told the disciples that the gospel must first be proclaimed to all nations, He was reminding them of their task, which was to continue telling the world of the gospel message of salvation. They were assured that through their hardships, the Holy Spirit (He) would always be with them to assist them and that in the end they would be delivered (verses 9-13).

We can prepare for trying times by: STAYING WITH THE TRUTH
Jesus warned that the time would come when many false prophets would proclaim to be the Messiah, performing wonders, and attempting to deceive even the elect. His instruction was DO NOT BELIEVE THEM! (verses 21-23). This danger is as real today as it was then. Heed not the teaching of any one if their teaching does not align with the truth, the Word of God! Robert pointed out that the words if possible, in verse 22 indicated to him that false teachers would not be able to sway true followers who were knowledgeable of the Word. We must be cautious and never allow any one to convince us of any thing contrary to the Word!

The third way to prepare for trying times, REJOICING, will be discussed next Sunday. The lesson begins on page 95 in our book and is taken from Mark 13:24-37. Read these passages and come prepared to share thoughts, insights, ideas and questions.


Jean – Jim's sister; mammogram results suspicious; further tests 5/26 & 6/15

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