Wednesday, February 3, 2010

In the Class Room 1-31-10


We continued studying the second chapter of the Gospel of Mark in class Sunday, verses 13-17, pages 20-21 in the study book from this unit entitled, ‘How Can Jesus Help Me?’ This unit of study is about asking the right questions concerning Jesus. Our discussion centered on the difficulty of Christians obeying two commands of Christ: 1) separate yourself from the world and 2) reach out and share the love of Christ to those who are lost. It almost seems like a contradiction. How can one reach those who participate in activities/acts that do not interest us Christians without socializing with them?

Several points were brought out:
1) Christ had no problem interacting with sinners, verses 15-16
2) Christians must interact with the lost, verse 17
3) Only by interacting can Christians show the difference Christ can make in one’s life
4) One can interact without participating in wrong doings
5) One must take a stand and show by example

We will continue studying Mark, Chapter 2, Sunday, beginning with verse 18, and page 21 of our study book. This study is entitled, ‘What Does Jesus’ Call Mean For Me?’ Read this passage and pages and come prepared to share your thoughts, questions, and insights with us at 11 A.M., Room 404. See you then!


Kay – recovering from surgery
Elijah – Donna’s co-worker’s nephew; surgery/pneumonia
Unspoken: Diane, Donna, and Nell

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