Monday, January 25, 2010

In the Class Room 1-10-10


We concluded studying the first chapter of the Gospel of Mark in class Sunday, beginning with verse 29 and on page 17 in the study book. Our study the last three Sundays have been from this unit entitled, ‘How Can Jesus Help Me?’ Last week in verses 21-27 we read that Jesus went into the synagogue in Capernaum, (Jesus’ headquarters during His early ministry), and astonished the worshippers there as He taught with authority rather than by quoting the numerous and often conflicting teachings of the Jewish scribes. Verse 29 opens with Jesus leaving the synagogue and going to the home of Simon Peter and Andrew, brothers and two of the first four disciples called. James and John were also invited. There they found Peter’s mother-in-law (did you know that Peter was married?) in bed with a fever. In that day, a fever was considered a disease in itself and no one knew the cause. Now, we know that a fever is usually a symptom of an infection or inflammation in the body. When Jesus was told of her illness, He went to her, took her by the hand and raised her up. Here is demonstrated that the relationship between the disciples and their Master was personal. They were confident that He would be interested and passionate about their personal concerns. How right they were, and how so is He concerned with our personal needs today! Note the response of the sick woman after she received her healing. Once the reason of her incapacity was removed, as so many Christian women through the centuries have graciously and tirelessly done, she began to serve! This is a great example of what we are to do as Christians: serve Him by serving others. As discussed in class, there are many ways to serve; not everyone is gifted to teach or lead. There are numerous ways to serve behind the scenes (call the church office if you need convincing!). If you are sincere in serving, but feel that there is some obstacle to prevent you from doing so, remember that Jesus can remove any obstacle so that we can serve Him faithfully.

This first unit of study, ‘How can Jesus Help Me?’ is about asking the right questions concerning Jesus. Interestingly, to learn of Jesus is to learn a lot about ourselves as well.

“How Can Jesus Help Me?” He can save me. He can lead me. He can set me free. He can enable me to follow and serve Him. The question to ask is: “Am I ready to let Him help me?”

We will begin with Mark, Chapter 2 next Sunday and probably cover pages 18-21 of our study book. This study is entitled, ‘What Does Jesus’ Call Mean For Me?’ Read this passage and pages and come prepared to share your thoughts, questions, and insights with us at 11 A.M., Room 404. See you then!


Jean White – Jim’s sister is recovering well from surgery for ovarian tumor last Monday and the report was good! Not cancerous, not spread!

Diubaldo also told us that the mother of his children has been told that tests have revealed that there is no cancer spread anywhere else in her body, PTL! The cancerous spot on her lung will be treated with radiation, not surgery. We will continue to pray for Peggy for eradication of the lung cancer. Diubaldo will also be moving back to North Carolina on a job there. An answer to prayer, for he wants to be closer to his children. Sunday will be Diubaldo’s last Sunday with us.


Family members of Veronica’s co-worker
Rosalind – breast cancer
JaMichael – wisdom
Ariel – Gale’s granddaughter; guidance & direction, making bad decisions
Nell – unspoken
Justin – Charlie/Jolene’s son; for employment

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