Thursday, February 18, 2010

In the Class Room 2-14-10


We began our study, ‘Is God Still Working in the World?’, page 34 of our study book. After a background briefing from Mark, Chapter 3 and learning that after Jesus began his public ministry He traveled in Galilee, preaching the gospel message, healing the sick, and casting out demons, we turned to Mark 4:14-20 and began to study the method of teaching Jesus used. He often taught by using parables. A parable is an illustration to create a word picture of the example/principle being taught. They were designed to confound those who were unwilling to learn spiritual truth, but draw those with willing hearts to grow in faith. Therefore, their meanings were often obscure.

The parable discussed today was that of the sower. Jesus used the example of farming so every one could understand. He told of the seed falling 1) along the path, 2) among thorns, 3) upon rocky ground, and 4) upon good ground as the farmer sowed what he hoped would become a good harvest.

Identification of symbols Jesus used:

The seed: The Word, the message of God’s kingdom.

Along the path: As the Word is spread, or sowed, at times it falls on a hardened path, symbolizing a hardened heart and has little chance of germinating. Here it also lays open to birds to snatch it away, just as Satan can easily take the Word from an unreceptive heart.

Among thorns: The author of our study said thorns represent worldly worries, pursuit of wealth, and selfish desires. People laden with these things are well equipped to believe the Word, but because their lives are choked with thorns, the result is a lack of spiritual fruit.

Rocky ground: This refers to an area where a thin layer of soil covers a rocky surface. The soil allows germination, but is too shallow to provide a good root system and eventually the plant withers and dies. This is a picture of those who hear the word and first react joyfully, but the gospel never really takes root. When problems arise, they back (wither) away.

Good ground: When soil conditions are right and weeds are plucked away, the seed will grow and fruit is produced, resulting in a bountiful harvest. Spiritually, this represents people who welcome the Word when it is heard. The fruit can refer to how the Lord continually works in the lives of such people, increasing their faith, or how God works in an evangelistic way to ‘harvest’ new converts.

Read the remainder of Chapter 4 and pages 39-41 in our study book for Sunday’s continuation of our study of parables Jesus used in His ministry to teach the people. Come prepared to share your thoughts, questions, and insights with us at 11 A.M., Room 404. See you then!


Sue – Eva’s friend; in a coma after surgery to graft bone from cheek to skull
Martha and Clayton
Unspoken: Diane and Donna
Kay – Pet scan Friday to affirm no other sign of cancer

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