Wednesday, August 4, 2010

In the Class Room 8-1-10


Robert began a new study July 11, entitled Every Believer Needs to Know. . . . The theme of the first lesson is Assurance of Salvation and the Scripture text is 1 John 5:11-14, which tells us that we can know we have eternal life if we believe in the name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Having Christ in our hearts assures us we will have eternal life.

Salvation is definite and real. God wants all believers to have assurance of their salvation. This assurance is based on three major foundational truths.

The Testimony of a Changed Life, the third foundational truth of assurance of salvation was discussed this past Sunday. Scripture text was II Corinthians 5:17 and 16 which tells us that after rebirth, that is, accepting Jesus as Savior and receiving salvation, one becomes a new creature. Changing old to new constitutes change. Therefore, a new creature, (one who comes to know Christ) should experience change.

Changes discussed:
  • 1 John 2:3, “. . . we do know that we know him, if we keep His commandments.” If one is sincere in accepting salvation, one will sincerely try to do what He wants us to do. Not because it is commanded, but because of a true desire to want to do His will.
  • I John 2:14-15, “. . . if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” This verse is not teaching that it is wrong to strive to achieve material things. It is telling Christians to separate themselves from the things of life that are ungodly and to be content with that which we have been blessed. In the life of a true Christian, God will take precedence over all things.
  • I John 1:1-3, “. . . truly our fellowship is with the Father; and with His son, Jesus Christ.” Christians should love to go to church, to not only to be fed spiritually and fellowship with Christ, but to also fellowship with other Christians. At times, becoming a Christian mandates that we forsake old friendships, remembering to pray for those friends who need to know Jesus as Savior.
  • I John 3:1-3, “. . . every man that hath this hope in Him purifieth himself….” One who has hope, not only of eternal life given at the moment of salvation, but also hope for a more fulfilled earthly life, will desire purity. God is a holy God, detests sin, and a child of God will daily strive to become more like Him. This requires purity from sin. Christians are a continual work in progress that is not complete until we arrive in heaven, but one day we will be like Him, for we are His children, verse 2.

As Christians we have inherited the Holy Spirit, the person of Jesus Christ, and the Word. As Christians we have received a new mind to know Him, I Cor. 2:16; a new heart to love Him, Romans, 5:5; and a new will to obey Him, Romans 6:13. We become changed, a new being whose life will bear testimony of our salvation.

In conclusion of this study, Assurance of Salvation, we have learned assurance can be based on three foundational truths: the Word of God, the Witness of the Spirit, and the Testimony of a Changed Life. Salvation is a gift, purchased with a heavy price, and available for all! Love is the Bond!

We are studying a series of lessons entitled, Every Believer Needs to Know… and next Sunday will begin the next unit of this study, Christ Lives in Them! The Scripture text is Colossians 1:27. Read this Scripture and Lesson Two of your packet. If you did not receive a lesson packet, let us know; there are more available. See you Sunday!


Tiffany – Veronica’s daughter; reoccurrence of lupus; affecting kidneys; in Houston
Kassie – Amanda’s co-worker; brain tumor; more tests Sept. 28; (20 yrs. old)
Sylvia – back problems; also a difficult time, 2 yr. anniversary of husband’s death
Janice – heart heavy; 2 yr. anniversary of sister’s death