Wednesday, April 21, 2010

In the Class Room 4-18-10


We completed our study on ‘How to Develop Your Faith’ Sunday. This study began a few weeks ago in Mark 7, which provided a background of our study. We gradually worked our way to Mark 8:27-33, which is the passage studied this past Sunday.

It seemed that the disciples were slow learners and did not fully understand who the man they were devoted to really was. They had left all to follow Him and observed the miracles He performed, yet Jesus had to repeatedly explain the meaning of His teachings. His method was always simple in teaching them, asking them questions to provoke thought. He knew though they were slow to ‘catch on’, they were open to spiritual truth and this is what He wanted them to glean from His miracles and teachings.

Today’s lesson centered on the question, “Who do people say that I am?” They answered that some thought He was John the Baptist, others thought Elijah, and others thought one of the prophets. This group believed He was a man of God, but not the one who would deliver them from their oppression. They were still looking for a militant victor which would signify freedom for them. Jesus countered with the question, “But who do you think I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Messiah!” This answer told Jesus that the disciples were growing spiritually and used this opportunity to tell them of God’s plan for Him: how he would suffer, be rejected, killed, and later rise from the grave. This was hard for the disciples to comprehend because it went against all they had been taught about their deliverer who was to come. Isn’t this just like us today? We become so ‘mind-set’ that we fail to see the real truth.

Peter was so shocked that he drew Jesus aside and reprimanded Him for His declaration. Jesus turned away from Peter, faced the disciples and publicly rebuked Peter. However, in doing so, He said, “Get thee behind me, Satan”, (not Peter). Jesus knew that Peter was resisting the things of God and holding on the things of man, which was exactly what Satan wanted.

We have learned from this study that we must be open to believe in Jesus, learn from Him, and do what He wants. As our spiritual eyes grow clearer, we will develop spiritual understanding and our faith will grow stronger. Learning new truth can happen only when we are open to building on what we already know.

Our next study begins on page 58 of our study book and backtracks to Mark 3:1-6: 5:21-43; and then jumps to Chapter 10:13-16.


Diane – unspoken
Nickie – Leonard and Donna’s granddaughter
Joe – to have several tests for the next few weeks, having health problems
Jolene – recovering from open heart surgery
Kay – chemo & radiation treatments
James – stress causing health problems