Tuesday, December 8, 2009

In the Class Room 12-06-09

Great to have Jolene almost completely recovered from seemingly ongoing health problems. Glad she now feels well enough to be back in class. We missed you guys while you were away. Stay well for the holidays!

Jim’s results during his hospital stay week before last revealed that no surgery was needed. The blockage percentages were small enough to be treated with meds.


If you like ‘different’, you’ll love this party! No holly or mistletoe! No reindeer or Santa! No jingle bells or poinsettias! No candy canes or fruit cakes! (But there will be chocolate!)
You don’t want to miss this party!

Robert and Nell will host our annual Christmas class party at Shane’s restaurant, Bossier City on East Texas (Highway 80). The banquet room has been reserved for us. There will be a varied menu, a choice of fish or brisket and side dishes, $7.00/per person. Good fellowship, good food, good fun!

Sunday, Dec. 13, 3 PM and 6:30 PM a Christmas concert, Gloria, featuring Mac Powell of Third Day will be conducted at FBB. Pick up free tickets at the church office.

Friday, Dec. 18, 6 PM Tim Hawkins, a family night of Christmas comedy held at the church.

Thursday, Dec. 24, 6 PM Birthday Party for Jesus, a Christmas Eve service for the whole family at FBB.

Saturday, Dec. 26 Boxing Day – Details to be announced.

Thursday, Dec. 31, the Lord’s Supper will be available at 6 PM. This is a come and go service.

We completed Chapter 22 of II Samuel Sunday, verses 21-51. This chapter is a parallel with Psalm 18, which was written by David as a song of praise to his God. We have learned that David realized that only by calling upon his Lord could he receive the help he needed and that when David actually called upon the Lord, guess what, God heard his voice! The Lord’s response to David’s distress was anger that His child was being confronted with troubles and sorrows. We learned a startling truth, at times God does indeed becomes angry! Verse 20 tells us that the Lord delighted in David. In verses 21-28, David tells why the Lord delighted in him, and Robert shared that in reading that passage, he thought David a bit pious and boastful. David declared himself righteous and clean, though we know he had committed atrocious sins. Robert reminded us that once we become a child of God and receive His righteousness, it becomes a possession and is ours forever more, Psalm 24:5. It is the devil that attempts to make us forget that we are cleansed by the power of His blood. God no longer sees our flaws, but sees us as cleansed from all sin. He does not demand perfection, he knows we are weak; he just requires repentance and obedience. So when struggles ensue and we call upon Him for help, He is there to see us through our time of trouble. A good discussion of God’s grace followed and was summed up with this statement: ‘Grace is designed to not make struggles disappear, but to help us get through it.’ He is always there; He will never leave us. We are not promised that we will never experience trouble, only that His grace is sufficient. Deliverance will come!

Chapter 22 is a song of praise. He died and then rose again that we might be free! Read
Verse 47 and rejoice!
“The Lord liveth, and blessed be my rock;
and exalted be the God of the rock of my salvation!”

Robert is trying to finish the study of David by the end of the year. Since much of the information given in Chapter 23 has been previously discussed, he is going to skip to
Chapter 24 for next Sunday’s study. Read that chapter and be ready to share your insights and thoughts on this passage of Scripture as we study and learn God’s Word together.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
2 Samuel, Chapter 24

Diane – tests on knees Wed.
Jean – Jim’s sister; moving to BC for surgery & finding a home.
Leo – Donna’s co-worker; reaction to antibiotic.
Shelley – Amanda’s friend; unspoken.
Amanda – unspoken.
Rudolph – 85 year old who feels hopeless & needs salvation.
Justin – Charlie/Jolene’s son; pray he gets good job he is interviewing for.
Susan – James’ sister; diabetic; found passed out at home and was hospitalized.

If you would like to receive the weekly news letter, let us know by sending us an email at finlyssc@gmail.com


Robert’s book, The Holy Spirit: Our Helper is now available on Amazon.com and at Christian Life Books at 8026 Jewella Ave. If you would like a copy, you can save taxes/S&H by obtaining a copy from us. The publisher has priced the book at $12.99.