Sunday, September 27, 2009

In the Class Room 09-27-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.

2 Samuel 19

V9-10 David’s followers were pleading the case for their king and questioning why the fellow Israelites, who followed Absalom, were quite about returning David to the thrown in Jerusalem.

V11-14 David sent the priests to talk to the leaders of Judah about restoring David to the throne.

V15 David returned the way he left.

V18-21 Shimei asks for forgiveness. (True repentance is shown by actions not just words.)

V22 David was secure in his position. When a person finds their security in Christ then they will be in a position to forgive also.

V32 Brazillai was 80 years old when he made himself available to David.

V41-43 Total restoration has not been achieved.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 20

Sunday, September 20, 2009

In the Class Room 09-20-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.

2 Samuel 18

V19-26: Two runners. The last outran the first.

V27: The runner Ahimaaz was identified by the way he ran.
(Is our Christian walk in such a way that people can recognize us as Christians?)

V28-30: Ahimaaz tells David that he has won the war. When David inquires about Absalom, Ahimaaz sidesteps the question.

V31-32: Cushite, the first runner who was outran by Ahimaaz, arrived and told David that Absalom is dead.

V33: David mourns for his son, Absalom.

Chapter 19

V1-4: David’s mourning turned the peoples rejoicing into mourning. David stole their victory from them.

V5-7: Joab tells David that he is shamming the people because he is weeping over their enemy and that he needs to “straighten up” and go talk to the people before they leave him.

V8: David stood up and became a leader again.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 19

Monday, September 14, 2009

In the Class Room 09-13-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.

2 Samuel 18

V1-2 David divides his army into thirds. (Absalom has numbers but David has skill)
David wants to go into battle with his army.
V3-4 The people want David to stay. David stays behind but tells his men not to harm his son, Absalom.
V6-8 The army of Absalom was defeated by the army of David.
V9-17 A rebellious king is killed by a rebellious servant.

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 18

Sunday, September 6, 2009

In the Class Room 09-06-09

Brother Robert continued the study of David.

2 Samuel 16

V1-4 Ziba is deceptive and takes advantage of David.(See 2 Samuel 19:24-30)
Lessons we can learn:
Do not make quick decisions.
Get Godly council.
Ask God for wisdom through prayer.

V5-9 Shimei is resentful of David.

V10-13 David is trusting in the Lord.

V14 No matter how dark our days are, we need to strengthen ourselves in God.
1 Samuel 30:6
Psalm 119:66, 67
Ephesians 4:32

Be prepared for next week’s study.
Read: 2 Samuel, Chapter 18